Example sentences of "that he now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But A J Lubin is mistaken in thinking that he now announced his intention to become an artist .
2 John tells me , by the way , that the response to his trolleybus venture has been so great that he now plans to do something along similar lines , as you might say , with the railways .
3 Oh , for that uncomfortable bed on his yacht that he now resolved to be aboard this very evening , before any such vote could be called .
4 His only solution , that he now offers , is to adopt those self-same Tory policies .
5 They had looked at each other , disconcerted at this apparent lack of liaison , but McLeish had been reassuring : very natural that they had n't compared notes , extremely useful that he now knew how long the car had been there .
6 He returned on 16 September , telling Tom Jones that he now knew what Roosevelt meant when he said he felt like a ‘ bull moose ’ .
7 Slicing pieces of the plastic sheeting covering the woodpile as extra waterproofing , he had taped his shotguns into the packages that he now carried slung over one shoulder .
8 He then said that he now had confirmation from the police and that I qualified for a transfer and would receive an offer for Govan ( where my dad is ) within a week .
9 Confident in the knowledge that he now had the general support of most of the top brass to his world control plan , Mueller considered that he was now in a much stronger position to start pulling the rug out from under the Regional Area Managers .
10 Although the main thing was that he now had clear proof that she was alive , he could see a lot more work ahead before he found her , if he ever found her .
11 She smiled at his enthusiasm , relieved that he now had help with the sheep .
12 Horsley was being slowly crippled by a rare type of paralysis spreading from his ankle , which meant that he now had to walk with a stick , and which it was feared would eventually put him in a wheelchair .
13 He had become the representative of a tradition which , without his presence , might finally disappear , and the fact that he now had very little left to say only heightened the almost ritualistic sense of occasion which that presence provided .
14 Death , although exceptionally busy at all times , decided that He now had a hobby .
15 On March 17 he had apologised publicly to the " victims of deplorable and regrettable incidents " under his regime , stating that he now had " a profound , sincere and irreversible " commitment to reform .
16 President Carlos Saúl Menem , whose popularity had waned in July due to financial scandals involving his relatives and political aides [ see p. 38335 ] , stated that he now had a national mandate to seek the widest political consensus to deepen the government 's economic programme .
17 Many of his friends had laughingly warned him that he now had ‘ double trouble ’ .
18 Sitting in Manchester , the judge said after listening to two hours of legal argument from counsel for Blandford , his wife and the Official Solicitor , that he now had no power to rectify his error made on May 17 when he ordered the Marquess to be jailed if he failed to pay the money in two weeks .
19 Afterwards the Cardinal accepted that he had not appreciated the strong feelings of Jews on this issue and that he now hoped to find out more about the Shoah ( the Hebrew word for the Holocaust ) .
20 It was on the playing fields that he had excelled , and had felt most at home , and it was on the playing fields that he now spent the afternoon .
21 It was indicative of Franco 's childishly egocentric view of politics that he now chose to ignore Allied overtures .
22 Patiently , he explained that he now ran his own fledgling advertising agency .
23 The idea of going out to the suburb with the dog track , and confronting the confusions and embarrassments of his past life with the formidable armoury of maturity and understanding that he now possesses , appears suddenly very sweet .
24 ‘ Or will you settle for the fact that he now thinks I find you pretty irresistible ? ’
25 Franco , previously associated with nationalist ideas at odds with the free-market neo-liberal views of Collor , stated that he now accepted economic liberalization in principle .
26 He added that he now felt more detached from his former girlfriend , and that he was already beginning to regard their relationship as belonging to the past .
27 He did not like her visits ; not only had she viewed his bum , but his rolling tears , so that he now felt a sissy .
28 In his resignation letter , Sir Geoffrey noted the growing difference which had emerged between himself and the Prime Minister on the increasingly important issue of Britain 's role in Europe , and especially on monetary policy , and stated that he now felt that he could no longer serve with honour as a member of her government .
29 Tony felt that one important factor had been the change in his father 's attitude so that he now seemed to understand how he felt .
30 I can tell the House something about the right hon. Gentleman : he opposed the deployment of the cruise missile , and of Trident — something that he now says he supports .
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