Example sentences of "that he could [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those who talked to Harold Macmillan at this time were sure that this cold politicking did not enter his head ; that he was sincere and only wanted to do the best that he could for the Church .
2 It appears that William on his deathbed confessed that he had indulged in a fraud in getting his marriage to Adelizia nullified and at the eleventh hour did all that he could for Mabel 's succession as his heir .
3 Civilians were fleeing and the Commissioner for the Dockyard sought leave of the Admiralty to destroy all that he could of the yard to prevent it falling into enemy hands .
4 and I said to both of them , I just do n't know how he got past that second car in the road right , come out of his drive , I could n't believe that he could of done it , but he did , because he went you know
5 It was n't , however , until summer had faded that he could at last feel he was his own man again and was able to address himself to the present .
6 He wished they 'd left him the radio mast , so that he could at least listen to some music and pick up the news .
7 The agreement provided that the piano would become the property of the customer on payment of all the instalments of rent but that he could at any time before then terminate the hiring by returning the piano to the dealer .
8 As we rode through the forest , Sapt told me everything that he could about my life , my family , my friends , and the things I liked or did not like .
9 Two days ago , after his daughter had told him her story , he had immediately contacted an enquiry agent whom he knew to be trustworthy and told him to find out all that he could about Dr Neil Cochrane , Sir Alastair Cochrane 's younger brother .
10 Owen 's reaction touched him on a sore spot ; and it was made all the sorer by an angry feeling inside him that there had indeed been incompetence , Egyptian incompetence , that he , Mahmoud , was ultimately responsible for it — and that there was absolutely nothing that he could in practice do about it .
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