Example sentences of "that he [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 People realized it could n't when , in nineteen sixty four , a biologist by the name of Wyn Edwards at the University of Edinburgh actually bothered to publish a book arguing the theory , and when Wyn Edwards argued the case , almost immediately most people began to realize that it , that it did n't make sense and that most of the evidence that he thought supported the theory does n't in fact do so , and today Wyn Edwards has himself refused it , even he now er admits that group selection er can not work .
2 Freud was so impressed by the amount of brutality men have inflicted on one another , and have continued to inflict on one another , that he felt justified in developing what he thought of as a mythology of two conflicting instincts : sexuality and death , Eros and Thanatos .
3 ‘ Did he ever say anything to suggest that he felt threatened , or that his life was in danger ? ’ she asked .
4 Just a few paragraphs in and we are plunged into the fog and grime of the capital : in 1817 the American Ambassador was enveloped in a midday fog in Bond Street so thick that he felt tempted to ask how the English became so great with so little daylight .
5 He also said , rashly , that he felt stirred by the efforts of American radicals .
6 Over the next few days he was never out of the press and in one emotional moment he confided to a journalist that he felt betrayed by Scotland .
7 What I what I thought was , well let's have erm , Woodrow Wilson , okay , as you said at the beginning of the book , Freud admits that he did n't like Wilson , and that he felt betrayed by Wilson , like a lot of people in Central Europe did I suppose , because you know , Wilson came over erm , with fourteen points as the saviour of the world , and went away leaving with a piece of .
8 It was for this reason that he felt compelled to offer the Liberals the alternative vote , an electoral system which would have the effect of entrenching the third party as part of the political system .
9 Charles had recently met a number of community cities , made such perfect sense and was so inspirational that he felt compelled to bring it to a wider audience .
10 The Fiction , like In Pursuit of Spring , unveils areas of experience that he felt compelled to probe , in order to retain his dignity .
11 If so , you could be the accountant who so incensed wildlife artist Adrian Rigby that he felt compelled to put his feelings about the profession into paint .
12 Once the judge had concluded that the psychologist 's evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it , if he had applied his mind to a proper construction of section 78 the evidence would never have gone to the jury .
13 The disaster of Munich was , in fact , so monumental in Nizan 's eyes that he felt constrained to write an account of the whole affair in order the more effectively to understand it .
14 And what was happening to him , that he felt torn apart , rent violently in two , at the sight of her agony ?
15 Barnes had been given the bird for an earlier kicking failure but he converted that try with such a fine kick that he felt entitled to make an equalising gesture to the crowd .
16 Although Innocent had wished the council and the princes to be brought to the point of declaring for Otto , the news , as related by Egidius , was so bad for the Welfs that he felt forced to intervene and declare for Otto at once .
17 Gerard confined himself to documentaries and it was while making a 90-minute update on South Africa , Back On The Frontier , for ITV in 1986 , that he became fired up to press ahead again single-mindedly with the feature .
18 The Grenadiers and Chasseurs , finding that the town was impassable , crossed the little River Dyle to the west , and it would seem that he became separated from them .
19 When Paul was encouraged at Corinth by the fellowship of Priscilla and Aquila we read that he became gripped by the Word ( 18:5 ) .
20 If he was a difficult friend , he could also be a loyal one — the most notable example , of course , is that of Ezra Pound whom he continued to support and defend even though it meant that he became embroiled in the kind of public controversy which he detested .
21 In fact he was so huge that he became known as the Paunch of Misty Mountain , or simply as Grom the Fat .
22 She 'd thought before that he seemed used to power , and looking at him now only served to strengthen that feeling .
23 Yakovlev may have exaggerated this shift , given the abstract Marxist tenets on class struggle that he came equipped with from Moscow , but there was already some objective evidence of this right at the start of NEP .
24 So again you see that he feels threatened and er does n't trust Nick because of erm these ideas which he associates with Nick .
25 Again , Harley is so convinced of his predicted outcome that he feels compelled to chase VARs away , as well .
26 For while Schopenhauer gave music a gratifyingly important role within his scheme of things , the music on which he based his theories was primarily the formally respectable tradition that he saw represented in Haydn and Mozart ; and the importance he gave to music turned to a large extent on its supposed capacity to foster the right — dispassionate and otherworldly — response .
27 With the change from a nomadic and food-gathering to an agricultural and more highly organized form of society , man 's anxiety about himself and the animals that he hunted merged into a wider anxiety about nature .
28 The Home Secretary has made it absolutely clear that he remains committed to meeting our obligation to genuine refugees .
29 ‘ After all , ’ said the Prince with a wave of his hand , ‘ it 's not every day that he gets called on by both Royalty and the Head of the Secret Police . ’
30 He reckons that if he were getting paid on the same basis that he gets paid for GP beds , in a small GP unit , he could afford to employ the additional staff , and resources and back-up to help make it all happen .
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