Example sentences of "that i [be] think " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It may be , sir , that I am thinking what you are , if you follow me . ’
2 No more will you hear me say that I am thinking of rejoining the gym .
3 I must emphasize that I am thinking not of antiracism as a political objective , or a goal which emerges alongside other issues from the daily struggles of black people , from the practice of community organizations and voluntary groups , even from the war of position which must be waged inside the institutions of the state .
4 You had to think of a method and the method was particularly difficult , I think , on the tank farm one where this is the sort of method that I am thinking here of how , how on earth am I going to build it on , on the hotel ?
5 The two main areas that I 'm thinking of are in Northamptonshire where the iron ore works there have been completely exhausted and the other is Consett in County Durham .
6 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
7 No I 'm not , no it 's not that I 'm thinking of .
8 that I 'm thinking of ?
9 Yeah that 's right no reflection on you it 's just that I 'm thinking oh I ca I just ca n't see the time when I would ever drive through a gap like that that confidently that 's all .
10 Thing is though it 's not that I really care about him personally , you know it 's not that I 'm thinking oh it 's a real shame , but it 's just , and usually if , if people are complete dicks I think well er you know , sod them
11 Alice Conway almost jumped back into her kitchen as her daughter swung round now and yelled at her , ‘ It may surprise you to know that I was thinking about you and Father and this house , and the business downstairs .
12 ‘ Still , it was n't exactly that I was thinking of , ’ the Marshal said .
13 But I mean he was very interested and when I said that we 'd actually done a recycling directory and that I was thinking
14 It is likely to be , even , that two mental events are not of the same type on two occasions when I give a more explicit description of my experience , perhaps that I was thinking that my daughter is a quick thinker .
15 I told Émile that I was thinking of leaving Jean-Claude .
16 Well that I was thinking actually with that colour .
17 Mind you , the only thing that I was thinking of , do you know when he was commuting
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