Example sentences of "that is [v-ing] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The US is not the only country with economic problems that is looking to transfer pricing to provide additional tax revenues .
2 Supramolecular chemistry is now a large and expanding field that is serving to underwrite an emerging new age in chemistry : the age of molecular devices .
3 ( Remember that the event horizon is the path in space-time of light that is trying to escape from the black hole , and nothing can travel faster than light . )
4 But it is a valuable addition to the growing volume of news from Tibet that is helping to undermine the brutal occupation of this tragic region .
5 I thought the whole local area is something that is undergoing change all the time .
6 In a show of unity rarer than a dodo sighting , the US Big Six have issued a joint statement of position in an attempt to focus attention on the ‘ epidemic of litigation ’ that is beginning to threaten the very existence of many American firms .
7 It is also a procedure that is beginning to catch on in other areas of a solicitor 's work .
8 I mean , do you think that perhaps is , is more advanced than Plato , because Plato on this incredible myth of his of going on this journey where ordinary people 's view of the form was n't very good so they would come back in an inf perhaps in an inferior form , but I get the feeling that with we have the opportunity of seeing something that is going to improve us anyway , that we 've all got an equal chance of some kind of improvement .
9 He went up to him before the meeting and said , ‘ This is the race that is going to decide between us as to who is going to be the number one . ’
10 I think this is the problem that is going to arise with a lot of teachers responsible for art courses … who 've been quite accustomed to sending their work off to be marked by somebody else , now they 're suddenly going to be faced with mounting and displaying the work , making some judgments themselves and justifying their work .
11 Tommy Graham , Carlisle AA secretary , said : ‘ We do not object to the company , it is the location that is going to cause problems .
12 Erm , is there really a danger of this , I see that er , the A C C are supporting the proposal , but is it just another sort of Euro directive that is going to cause a lot of expense and distress to a lot of people who keep pigeons , which is on the whole not a , you know , I was going to say , not a very erm , expensive form of sport or entertainment whatever .
13 ‘ Mandy , getting my career off the ground is a challenge that is going to take a few more years of my undivided attention .
14 The chances are they are not going to be changed again in a hurry and to saddle ourselves with something that is going to allow the development and perpetuation of something which most of us hero would call bad and unacceptable practice in care of the elderly with dementia , would be a totally retrograde step .
15 Whether that occurs depends on its responses to the issue that is going to continue to dominate the political scene — the economy in general and the consequences of Exchange Rate Mechanism membership in particular .
16 Now clearly this is a process that is going to continue this year .
17 ‘ I want to challenge and excite as much as I can but I 'm not going to create a work for the Scottish Ballet that is going to drive their audience away . ’
18 Nobody believes that is going to happen , least of all Jack Charlton , who says taking the Irish to the finals will give him as much satisfaction as he drew from winning the competition with England in 1966 .
19 ‘ Now go and choose a dinner for someone who is not interested in food — it 's not the last time that is going to happen to you , my dear . ’
20 As befits a car that is going to appeal to businessmen , standard equipment is impressive driver 's airbag , air conditioning , electric windows , electric sunroof , electrically heated and adjustable door mirrors , top quality stereo radio cassette with RDS , alarm with immobiliser , and anti-lock brakes .
21 And so this is something that is going to touch an awful lot of people if it does turn sour , so all the more reason for me to be able to explain how I see it , and as I say , to hear how , what people think about the crisis .
22 Is it that the fraudsters are the only section of society that is going to vote for the Conservatives er at the at the at the next election because certainly er the reputation of the city of London er is going down all the time because of the squalid frauds that are being perpetrated there a and the government is lagging behind er in catching up and in providing an effective regulatory framework er that 's that 's going to deal er with them .
23 Is a short-term objective anything more than the tactics required from moment to moment in order to implement the over-all strategy that is going to lead to the long-term objective ?
24 We fully support and endorse the deposit greenbelt boundaries , then I think it 's inescapable that at at some point that is going to lead us to leapfrogging over the greenbelt boundary , at some stage during the the the plan period , there may well be sufficient erm commitment and identified sites to mop up in in the short term , but by the end of of the plan period it 's it 's my belief that there will be a need to address this issue by bringing forward proposals for a new settlement , er which obviously Selby district er full fully supports .
25 It is not the branding iron or the hypodermic needle that is going to make the most impression on the horse at these times , but our own behaviour , and how we go about it .
26 That is not the sort of thing that is going to make anyone 's reputation .
27 It is power that is going to ensure go down to that level of decision making , to those people who know the problems best and would be able to deliver the right solutions .
28 ‘ It is experience that is going to count for a lot , ’ he forecast .
29 A closer look at the bourgeoisie , in terms of their social background , relationships with other classes and political opinions , lends support to the argument that , in practice , they are not the class that is going to bring about radical change .
30 Asked by an exit pollster which way he had cast his vote , he replied : ‘ I voted for the party that is going to run the country for the next five years . ’
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