Example sentences of "that it [is] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's afternoon keep saying that it 's afternoon it 's morning to me this afternoon pick up your phone and give me a ring now O nine O four six four one six four one .
2 Erm and you realize of course that it 's self employed commission only hence the need for the car .
3 As I say I 'm I 'm not convinced that it 's air conditioning erm , but then again there 's more detail , more data that 's required .
4 Forget that it 's land where wild life roams ,
5 ‘ Now that it 's winter .
6 A brick , it 's that it 's wood , it 's wood wood , would like to sort of feel it ?
7 That 's er just that it 's bullshit .
8 that it 's shit , ah ha ah ha ah ha .
9 I know everybody 's heard that it 's shit , I still wan na go and see it
10 I think it 's difficult to actually find that it 's attendance on the sub-group .
11 And the , the idea is that it 's quantity that breeds quality .
12 now at the end of the day , whatever your own views about a contingency fund are , bearing in mind that it 's service , not management charged , if the residence do n't agree can you simply dictate to them that they 've got to have a contingency fund ?
13 Human behaviour tends to be reshaped very quickly with this method … and usually we find that it 's dad who ends up parting with most money !
14 Today , the first visible signs that it 's day is done .
15 The committee 's subsequent decision to include policy T seven in the structure plan , appears to have been taken without debate and without formal recognition that it 's inclusion conflicted with their earlier er decision .
16 So if what 's in the pot is honey , its taste will cause Pooh to believe that it 's honey .
17 The campaign 's just starting , and already it 's generating much attention … proof say De Montfort University authorities that it 's money well spent
18 One of the difficulties that results from these cuts and that tax has been that there had been so numerous that it ca n't keep count of how many times they 'd changed the goal posts , how many times they imposed cuts , but you know a lot of the government 's ideas are that it 's money , money , money , but it 's not all financial , it 's been physical and mental .
19 Yes , well , we do have a housing crisis , there is no doubt about that , but to say that it 's government created is just another ploy of the Labour Group and the Liberal Democrats who , as Michael has said , are usually incohesion ; that is why we are a small group of ten on Council fighting probably about thirty five .
20 He says that it 's part of the town 's heritage .
21 It is possible to attempt to justify poor practice by claiming that it 's response to parents wishes : silent classrooms brought about by severe discipline , numerous paper exercises completed to provide evidence of industry and antiquated forms of behaviour paraded as good manners are just some examples .
22 ‘ Do n't you agree that it 's madness ? ’
23 ‘ Oh , she 'll more likely do so with him than to you , knowing that it 's hell let loose every time you look at each other .
24 Rain said : ‘ Assuming it 's true that it 's heroin … ’
25 Maybe us all thinking that it 's sort of not quite smart and it 's
26 So erm seduction 's one of these words that implies more consensual type activity , implies that it 's sort of y'know kind of candle light and soft music and firelight and all that kind of thing but which it probably was n't in most cases .
27 The only thing is that it 's chocolate brown and my kitchen 's all white .
28 Oh well , according to that it 's cloud .
29 Yes if you 've got time do it but do n't , with all of , it do n't feel you 've got to do it , that it 's homework and I 'm going to get annoyed if you do n't do it .
30 Well his 'll be a thousand pound for the operation , being a major operation , it will be the fact that it 's skull .
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