Example sentences of "that it [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 To be fair , Same-Lamborghini UK did say that it had n't had any complaints about lifting capacity here .
2 Now he told me , that night we got so drunk , that it was because of you that it had n't happened .
3 Katharine replied that she had done shoulder-in and hand had a go at half-pass , but that it had n't been very successful !
4 And then , six weeks after the funeral , he had suddenly found himself able to believe that it had n't happened , not in that way , and that the whole horror was a childhood fantasy .
5 Taking up an oil-can she went out and towards the old outbuildings , to the door next to the one leading into the barn and , moving it , she found that it had n't been oiled .
6 She took a step backwards , and suddenly he realized that it had n't been easy for her to come here .
7 It admits that it had n't expected to be in this line of work so long , having thought Unix 's compatibility issues would have been resolved years ago .
8 Hewlett told Electronic News that it had n't seen any fall-off of interest in the HP9000 Series 1200 machines it buys OEM from Sequoia , but if it did , it could ‘ take over what it needed , whether that 's technology rights or manufacturing rights or whatever . ’
9 Clara pointed out that it had n't been donated by her father in the first place , but by Aunt Doris , as birthday presents , over the past seventeen years .
10 I decided it was just because she had n't mattered that it had n't been worth shocking her .
11 The black paint on the body was already peeling from the heat , though the Doctor guessed from the depth of the dust layer that it had n't been there more than a couple of days .
12 The house was n't run-down , either , but there were touches here and there betraying the fact 64 that it had n't been lived in for a couple of years ; the windows that were n't shuttered were n't clean , and there were weeds pushing up through the gravel .
13 Pity that it had n't extended to something better than this undersized diesel-driven power supply .
14 There was a long pause and then , somewhat reluctantly , Cassie said : ‘ I did n't realize that it had n't happened yet .
15 The taxi ride from the airport to the little village where she was staying , only six kilometres from Nice , had been uncomfortable because the air-conditioning in the car had broken down three days before her arrival and was waiting to be repaired , and all in all her last vestiges of good humour had finally bitten the dust as she 'd stood in front of the house and realised that it had n't finished being built .
16 When he satisfied himself that it had n't , he turned to Larsen .
17 The waiter brought the champagne and thumped it around in a bucket of ice to persuade us that it had n't come out of the refrigerator .
18 I thought it was just like Commentating that it had n't
19 That was n't so difficult , was it ? ’ he said , and , when Caroline admitted that it had n't been , he said that in that case , would she please agree to do another private showing in mid-afternoon ?
20 The recoil gives you added stability , but you must take care that it does n't thrust you backwards and off balance .
21 The benefits of this finish quoted by the makers are , that it does n't smell strongly during application and drying , and brushes are cleaned are cleaned up with water when the job is finished .
22 Another of the characteristics of ‘ The Thing ’ is that it does n't have a rational cause .
23 The first response is that it does n't matter very much .
24 ‘ Or is it that it does n't seem long ? he continued bitterly , knowing the futility of carping , but being unable to stop it .
25 There is no use in telling a customer wanting to go to San Marino ( as I have been in three central London agencies ) that it does n't exist , that he really means San Remo .
26 The important thing to remember is that it does n't matter in the slightest what this garment looks like , as long as it boasts practicality and water-resistant qualitites .
27 Securing the ham ( so that it does n't run away from you ) will be the first problem .
28 Except that it does n't work like that .
29 But the great thing about The Virtuoso ( 1676 ) , which the RSC has brought to light almost 300 years after its last professional performance , is the very fact that it does n't deviate into sense .
30 If she is lucky she may find that at least a few children appreciate that ( 4 ) makes for a better drama game than ( 3 ) , and that ( 1 ) is so bland that it does n't feel like a game at all !
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