Example sentences of "that in [art] case " in BNC.

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1 It says that in every case authoritative directives can be overridden or disregarded if they deviate much from the reasons which they are meant to reflect .
2 It can be seen that in every case the two sets of coefficients have the same sign and general magnitude .
3 It seems likely that in every case , perhaps after much agonizing , they succumbed to the decision to ban News International publications : to do otherwise would have risked contractual misconduct , strong moral and political pressure from both colleagues and employers , and ultimately , probably , dismissal .
4 Since I accept his primary submission I do not find it necessary to consider his other options , but I observe that in every case they would involve the court in a far more creative exercise in framing the law , which I doubt we would be entitled to undertake , than by holding as I would do that a corporate public authority has no right to sue for the tort of defamation and is to be left , if necessary , to such other rights as it may have , in particular the right to sue for malicious falsehood .
5 It would , I consider , be wrong to read it as requiring that in every case where a witness is shown to have made a previous statement inconsistent with his evidence at the trial , the jury should be directed that such evidence should be regarded as unreliable : see Driscoll v. The Queen ( 1977 ) 51 A.L.J.R. 731 , 740 , per Gibbs J. , with whom Barwick C.J. agreed , at p. 734 .
6 Kimura ( 1977b ) tabulates seven such cases reported in the literature and it is notable that in every case the lesion responsible could with reasonable confidence be localised to the left cerebral hemisphere .
7 They realize that in every case he has answered people 's questions according to their particular logic .
8 It was expected that these would be first seen at a higher value of the exposure and that in every case a roughly linear graph segment would follow the point at which the subject was fully seen .
9 It is not proposed that in every case a single indicator will suffice for a concept on every occasion , and it is not suggested that in every case an indicator will fully represent the concept it is to " stand for " .
10 It is not proposed that in every case a single indicator will suffice for a concept on every occasion , and it is not suggested that in every case an indicator will fully represent the concept it is to " stand for " .
11 It is clear from the context of such pairs that in every case where the second speaker responds to a proposition of the first speaker with " you know what I mean ! " or " you know ! " , the second speaker is in fact agreeing with the first .
12 I do not suppose that in every case it would be worth the trouble that would be caused to the taxing authorities if they were to inquire into every deposit account and find if the interest had been increased , unless it had been increased by a large amount .
13 Moreover , Greer LJ specifically said " I do not decide that in every case where the relation of master and servant exists it is the duty of the servant to disclose , or to disclose upon inquiry , any discrepancies of which he knows of his fellow servants " .
14 ‘ I am very far from saying that in every case in which a child is proving difficult to manage , a parent is entitled to strike the child so hard as to cause injuries of the kind in this case .
15 It follows that in a case such as the present there can be no valid assessment .
16 Counsel for the Crown conceded , in our view rightly , that in a case where the prosecution has been completed and the judge thereafter refuses leave to the Crown to discontinue , it is counsel for the prosecution 's duty to remain in the case .
17 ‘ I must not be understood to be laying down a rule that in no case where a wife acts on her husband 's instructions and under his influence is it necessary to show that she has received independent advice .
18 If the defendant 's contention were adopted , it would result that in no case of a doubtful claim could a compromise be enforced .
19 The leaked findings during 1978 of an internal report for the Conservative party noted that in the case of strikes in key services and industries the government would simply have to pay up .
20 An overall difference of impression between Marx 's notes and Engels 's book is that in the case of the notebooks Morgan 's framework is totally subordinated to Marx 's wider concerns , while in Engels 's book we get the impression that Morgan , for great chunks of the book , actually takes over Engels .
21 Lord Justice Watkins said that in the case of the six officers , where two years — less 12 days — elapsed before the officers were summonsed , Mr Bartle exercised his discretion ‘ without any flaw ’ .
22 Sir Bernard complains that in the case of the Biffen and Pym briefings , his comments ‘ were dragged out of me .
23 But he added that in the case of the Korean War the Allies were justified in fighting against the communists .
24 But it is clear that in the case of God both ingredients are required — an act of trust and factual observation .
25 The process is a bit like winnowing , the old method of using the wind to separate wheat from chaff , except that in the case of pyroclastic material there is no simple division into light material ( husks ) and heavy ( grain ) but a continuous gradation in sizes ( and therefore weight ) of particles from fine to coarse .
26 We have to recognize that education must satisfy the needs of its pupils ( a highly un-Platonic idea ) , and that in the case of some children , not necessarily the least able , their needs will be best met by allowing the balance to tip in the direction of the practical .
27 Adopting a paternal tone , however , Justinian went on to point out that in the case of bequests under conditions or uncertain terms it would also be best to refrain from alienation to avoid the possibility of grave expense arising from ensuing eviction .
28 I must confess that in the case of Mariss Jansons , I have ( on record at least ) so far failed to hear quite what all the fuss has been about .
29 It is not clear why any of the clergy should be disqualified ( as opposed to restrained by their own professional ethics ) at all , except that in the case of the Church of England some sort of case can then be made out by reason of the right of bishops to sit in the House of Lords .
30 This means that in the case of fish some of the blood must make two or three trips around the lung circuit , and some carbon-dioxide-bearing blood makes several trips round the body before returning to the heart .
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