Example sentences of "that the [noun sg] [num ord] " in BNC.

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31 How can it be that the chap next door has a PC , yet his has a different processor from yours , has a different monitor , and probably has a different keyboard ?
32 He ordered two divisions to counter-attack in the centre , an action that was executed with such vigour that the German 20th Corps was brought to a halt for 48 hours .
33 Employing his considerable powers of persuasion to the full , he convinced his superiors that the German Eighth Army should disengage from Rennenkampf 's First Army near Gumbinnen , leaving merely a cavalry screen , and strike with every available man at Samsonov 's advancing Second Army .
34 Anne and Heywood Hill , of the bookshop in Curzon Street , lived at number 10 Warwick Avenue and told them that the lease next door was for sale .
35 It was at this time that the Club first negotiated to use the cricket field for ‘ tuition ’ and it became an overflow car park in 1966 .
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