Example sentences of "that when she be " in BNC.

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1 The ad people know that girls are watching and that they can attract them and form their ideas by making the girl associate their product with a particular image — so that when she is looking at a hair gel in a chemist 's , that will conjure up for her the image of the model used to advertise it , and make her want to look that way herself , and want to buy it .
2 But it was surely more than a matter of stylistic fashion which prompted the Jesuit scholar Fr J. H. Pollen to preface his very useful collection of sources for the Babington Plot of 1586 , designed to kill Elizabeth , published in 1922 , with statements such as ‘ The interest attaching to Queen Mary 's wonderful personality is so great , that when she is taken away , all else seems to fade into insignificance . ’
3 I 'm also sick to death of patronising DJ shits like Simon Bates saying that Sinead is ill and that when she is being nice , she is the loveliest person in the world .
4 Perhaps she would be angry if , by trying to impose responsibility on her daughter by giving her the vote , we were also taking from her the only comfort which she has , namely that when she is older she will change all that .
5 Layla , our loving secretary , has at last learned that when she 's adamantly refusing some tenacious committee member and I say , ‘ Here , give me the phone .
6 Why is it that when she 's about you go into the bathroom dressed , and you come out dressed .
7 Only her , which means that when she 's not there who must do the job ?
8 Mrs mentions that when she 's talking about sophisticated London
9 She tells me that when she was a nippy ( of course I say what 's a nippy and she tells me it 's a waitress ) the worst sin the girls could commit , sackable instantly , was to whirl the pencils which were attached by string to their aprons .
10 It was recorded that when she was speaking in the market-place she was audible by the Senate House .
11 Carlie also claimed that when she was two months old a baby-sitter had stolen a gold cross from round her neck .
12 Shanti has told me that when she was about seven , she used to tell the children at school that she was really the daughter of an Indian princess , and used to pretend to talk in an Indian language !
13 It was his nickname for her ; he had started calling her that when she was small and it had stuck even though she was now a respectable five-feet-seven .
14 She said that when she was … that Simon would think you had killed her .
15 On taking her history , it was discovered that when she was twelve or thirteen she had had frequent nose bleeds and had lost a great deal of blood .
16 She freely admitted that when she was shoplifting she was , in a way , hoping to go to prison .
17 Her mother had kept in touch with them for years , and Judith remembered that when she was a child her father had sent them money to have that photograph taken .
18 Suddenly , she felt the need to confide , to be able to tell some other person that when she was not actually working , her mind and heart were dominated by thoughts of Harry .
19 She said that when she was n't here she was there — with him , doing that .
20 The trip had also offered temporary escape from her mother 's pointed reminiscences that when she was Polly 's age she had already been married two years and was preparing for the birth of her first child .
21 It would n't be the first time that a man had lovingly supported a woman through crisis only to discover that when she was strong again his own need was to confine her in a dependent role .
22 Well because I was in the office I got a pound a week , you see , and the , do you know the Manageress there who , she was the Manageress then sorry , I 've got a photograph and she said that when she was Manageress at Colchester and she only got fifteen shillings a week
23 He had to remind himself that when she was in this mood she was a mistress of the single , agonized word , the mutely suffering glance .
24 This was mainly due to the fact that when she was in residence , I contrived to be out .
25 You would think that when she was n't coming she would have got some word round . ’
26 The Life of Edward the Confessor , written some fifty years later , claims that when she was pregnant with him all the men of England took an oath to accept the child as king should it be a boy , while the Norman Inuentio et Miracula Sancti Vulfranni of c.1053-4 alleges that he was anointed and consecrated king as a boy .
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