Example sentences of "that so [det] be " in BNC.

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1 Very few Branch collecting sheets appear without the names of many cadets , and it is a great encouragement to know that so many are prepared to give up so much of their time to help the Association .
2 I find it very cheering that so many are acclaiming Liberal Democrat principles , emphasising the rights of individuals and the duties of citizens .
3 Having to work from different angles makes it extremely difficult to maintain an even symmetry throughout the design , and it is therefore not surprising that nomadic rugs sometimes contain motifs of slightly varying sizes ; the fact that so many are perfectly balanced and symmetrical is a glowing testament to the weavers ' skill .
4 It is no wonder that so many are dismissed pad/bat .
5 The fact that so many were willing and able to combine these demands with keeping the house reflected highly on their adaptability .
6 This book is the true story of a decade in which physical and mental torture became so common that the wonder is not that so many were killed or driven to kill themselves but that so many more survived .
7 It was to be hoped that capitalist progress would eventually bring the labourers nearer to this maximum , and regrettable ( though not inconvenient for keeping wages down ) that so many were still so far below it .
8 But we saw enough to be grateful that so much is being done to protect and conserve this rich heritage and , driving on lead-free petrol , we felt comfortable knowing that we were doing our bit .
9 It has to be said that so much is there of interest within the new ‘ Denon Savoy ’ titles and — until stocks run out — in the largely parallel ‘ Vogue Savoy ’ catalogue , that at this time there is little point making too much of which is ‘ better ’ or ‘ worse ’ .
10 But we saw enough to be grateful that so much is being done to protect and conserve this rich heritage and , driving on lead free petrol , we felt comfortable knowing that we were doing our bit .
11 The wonder is not that social work and social work education are in such a mess , but that so much is being achieved , despite the difficulties .
12 It is because the resources of historically based lexicography exist that so much is known about each new word or meaning and authoritative decisions can be made .
13 The beauty of working on location is that so much is experienced , there is the constant interaction with the people and environment , and a constant stream of information filters into the subconscious and builds up an intuitive feeling and empathy for the country , culture and language , which ultimately influenced my drawings .
14 Now that so much was happening I felt better .
15 A complete block on foreign investment might well have resulted in less investment overall ; and the fact that so much was financed by overseas borrowing is of particular significance here .
16 Certainly his skill as an administrator was a vital factor in ensuring that so much was built so quickly and magnificently .
17 ‘ It is unfortunate that so little is known of Carlisle , Luguvalium ( Carvetiorum ? ) , although it seems to have grown to considerable size and may have exceeded 70 acres ( 28 ha ) . ’
18 Such interaction between traditions is of special interest and it is most unfortunate that so little is known about the hoard 's original find spot .
19 I agree that they are important , but I am concerned that so little is made of freight .
20 ‘ Having mot attended a BA conference since Eastbourne 1987 , ’ Mr Giles said , ‘ I was surprised to discover that the conference was somewhat inward-looking , and that so little was said about the consumer , on whom our wages depend .
21 Perhaps the fact that so much time , money and paper has had to be spent on selling the education reforms , and that so few are beating a path to the doors of Rathgael House , suggests that they ‘ ai n't got much of a mousetrap ’ !
22 He said that it was strange that so few were facing charges after the widespread upheaval of 1989 .
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