Example sentences of "that if one [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Such conditions could occur in a very big hydrogen bomb : the physicist John Wheeler once calculated that if one took all the heavy water in all the oceans of the world , one could build a hydrogen bomb that would compress matter at the center so much that a black hole would be created .
2 The hon. Member for Thurrock asked whether I did not know that if one took economic resources from one area and instilled them into others that was merely a way of upsetting the ordinary economic mechanism and that it did not result in any advances .
3 They can say that if one takes belief in a God or gods as the criterion of a religion , then classical Buddhism can not be classified as a religion .
4 Erm but our summary really would be that if one followed the County Councils proposals , this county would end up with a severe housing shortage .
5 It implies that if one achieves a desirable end ( in terms , say , of pain prevented ) but at a greater cost of suffering than was necessary for it , one 's act was right , though not the best , even if one could have achieved that end by a less drastic means .
6 But Cronin and Fitch showed that if one replaces particles by antiparticles and takes the mirror image , but does not reverse the direction of time , then the universe does not behave the same .
7 Autoquote , regarded as a world leader in the field of accident repair software systems , is described as being so comprehensive that if one coughs in one of Heggie 's workshops it immediately shows up on one of the system 's screens with a cost attached .
8 It tells of a young offenders institution where five inmates have made a pact that if one commits suicide the other four can be freed ‘ for psychological reasons ’ .
9 Mr David Hebblethwaite , secretary of the Liturgical Commission which helped produce the Alternative Service , said that if one translated the service back into the language of even 50 years ago , it would be ‘ pretty incomprehensible ’ .
10 Mr David Hebblethwaite , secretary of the Liturgical Commission which helped produce the Alternative Service , said that if one translated the service back into the language of even 50 years ago , it would be ‘ pretty incomprehensible ’ .
11 It must also be remembered that if one swings Spain ( as one must ) to close the Bay of Biscay , then the main Hercynian trend of the Iberian Meseta becomes an Atlantic rather than a Mediterranean direction .
12 I soon realized that if one reversed the direction of time in Penrose 's theorem , so that the collapse became an expansion , the conditions of his theorem would still hold , provided the universe were roughly like a Friedmann model on large scales at the present time .
13 It is also conceivable that if one strays across a band because a property has been improved to the tune of approximately £10,000 , one will not have to pay much extra .
14 After taking a series of measurements I put a numbered ring on each bird 's leg so that if one came to grief and was picked up at some time in the future , its identity could be established .
15 Beyond it , the mild night sky was busy with lights arrowing down into National airport and jinking up away from it , following the curls of the river so that if one fell , it would fall into that .
16 There should be two heaters — not heaterstats — in this tank , ideally governed by an external thermostat so that if one overheats they are switched off , and if one fails the other will probably maintain a safe heat .
17 Until then , it had hardly occurred to me that if one had cancer , one might not know .
18 For one has to recognize that if one had their desires one would not accept principles which rode roughshod over their satisfaction , and this implies that one should not accept them at all , since one can not universalise them to that hypothetical situation in which one would be forced to reject them .
19 He then gave me a slight shock by lapsing into a brief sort of reverie , and saying that if one had ever felt like ‘ murdering someone ’ , one could never do anything about it .
20 However , we discovered that if one ate the prawns with the cinnamon meat sauce and mixed in lots of stir-fried manage-touts the results were marvellous .
21 ‘ Do n't you also think that if one meets someone in such a way — I mean , so weak and defenceless — something makes one surrender completely , so that one can not imagine ever being able to desert such a person ? ’
22 If one asks why it is bad to hold logically inconsistent factual beliefs , the most obvious part of the answer is that if one does so , one guarantees that one will have a false belief within this area of one 's thought .
23 Delphy points out that if one jettisoned the idea of the family as unit of stratification , using economic criteria to classify individuals instead , most wives would come out below their husbands .
24 Thirdly , Lyons points out that if one thinks of anaphora as reference to entities already established in the domain of discourse , then the ways in which they are referred to in anaphoric reference commonly make use of the order in which they were introduced by the discourse itself .
25 Such a roundabout way of replication means that if one gets similar results in different species , they are worthy of publication in their own right .
26 It is obvious , is it not , that if one gets emotionally involved in a problem , one can not perform as well as when one is viewing it impersonally , yes ? ’
27 In fact , it was suggested that if one criticised the policies , then one was seen by government to be destructive .
28 What is consoling is that one may be perfectly sure that if one perishes in the barbed wire , they will not be too much affected by the loss .
29 ‘ It seems to me that if one sets up a quango and it spends 26% of the money disbursed on its own administration , that is a pretty high percentage . ’
30 In general terms this means that if one sets up a trust to accumulate income , and the settlor has not completely divested himself of the trust property , he will be chargeable to income tax on the trust income .
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