Example sentences of "that if you do " in BNC.

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1 Marx seems to be answering unnamed conservative critics who would argue that if you do not have private property and the politico-legal framework to ensure its enjoyment you will have chaos ; people would lose all incentive to produce , there would be no law except the law of the strongest , the economy could not be organized , there would be no individual security , murder and theft would be the order of the day .
2 In this country they say that if you do n't like the weather all you have to do is wait five minutes and it will get better .
3 But the trouble with buying clothes , he finds , is that if you do it alone ( he 's single ) , you can get a bit blinkered .
4 ‘ Reubens said two-thirds of painting was grey — that 's the tertiaries , and that if you do n't have a number of greys you wo n't get colour to work . ’
5 People argue that if you do n't know the people you are going to meet you ca n't plan how best to behave .
6 The argument is that you only have one life , that you are the most important person in the world and that if you do n't take responsibility for your own development , who else will ?
7 Today , there is an attitude which says that if you do n't want an active sex life , there must be something wrong with you .
8 Some viruses can be so vicious that if you do not take care of yourself for a couple of days when you first fall ill you could spend three weeks or more under par .
9 Bear in mind that if you do use the transmitter with a line ferret the line needs to be fastened to the collar to assess the actual working position of the transmitter .
10 Obviously we 're unable to ensure that none of you omitted cheat by not closing your eyes properly , but we know that if you do sneak a cheeky peek as the pen descends you 'll never be able to watch Bullseye again without suffering heart-rending pangs of guilt .
11 I know that if you do n't play for a week , that can be great ; sometimes you actually fire up and feel better and play differently .
12 And remember that if you do cheat , the only person you are letting down is yourself .
13 I feel that if you do not continue to love then you will die in some way .
14 ‘ I feel that if you do not continue to love you will die in some way . ’
15 People say that if you do n't ask you get told more , but I have never found that to be true .
16 The doctrine he has carried through his career that if you do n't enjoy it , there 's no point bothering , can easily be misconstrued as arrogance .
17 And that if you do n't pick them up and put them back where you got them from , they are still there two weeks later , and the house looks a bit of a tip .
19 The libcrypt library is available as a feature which encompasses the full function Data Encryption Standard and is generally controlled by the US State Department , which means that if you do n't speak convincing American , you ca n't have it .
20 But it 's important to remember that if you do have a grievance , you can only claim the money back from the company you bought the machine from , not the manufacturer .
21 But , at the risk of falling into this trap and adding wanking to the list of topics to talk about when I do an interview , I have to say that if you do n't wank , if you do n't have any orgasms , then your life is n't worth living .
22 You will have heard that if you do stick to a diet and lose weight , then your metabolism will drop so dramatically that the weight piles on all the more easily in the future .
23 It may seem obvious but some appear to forget that if you do n't understand what a question asks you have little chance of answering it !
24 Do remember , though , that if you do n't know the spelling of the beginning of a word , it is extremely difficult to find it in a dictionary .
25 You 've got to get your casualty from the cause , but make sure it 's safe for you , now if it is a , a place where you 've got to get your casualty out and you have n't got a lifeline and I must express this really that there must be two of you and if you are going in you only go in if you think it is safe to go in and you must have a line attached to you and there 's somebody outside , so that if you do get erm overcome by fumes or whatever , they can pull you out , you are safe , they 'll see to you , if there is no hope , you do n't try to be the hero , what you do is go and make a phone call and get the professionals in , because they do n't want to come along and have to deal with two casualties , when there 's only one .
26 It also reminds you that if you do n't cut it expertly to obtain this effect , the professionals will , and you may not like it .
27 This means that if you do an hour 's vigorous exercise instead of sitting in a chair for an hour , you could burn up an extra 100–200 calories which would not have otherwise been used up .
28 I 'll leave some tissues around so that if you do n't like it or you want to rub it off you can always use a tissue .
29 Anyway , the position now is that if you do not take silk at the right moment , it may mean that you have to continue working much too hard for your time of life ; on the other hand some barristers who take silk repent it , for they find too late that their services in the more expensive class of advocacy are not in demand .
30 So you do n't actually mention that if you do n't leave now you 'll miss the first act of the play , and he 'll be furious .
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