Example sentences of "that would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That money could have electrified railways that would 've given industry a chance to get its goods into Europe .
2 ‘ There 's plenty of folk that would 've taken me .
3 The skies appeared to contain little that would have startled older astronomers , apart from a host of new observations by means of more powerful telescopes and measuring instruments ( both largely German developments ) and the use of the new technique of photography , as well as spectroscopic analysis , first applied to the light of the stars in 1861 , which was to turn out to be an enormously powerful tool of research .
4 It was a Saturday night and I had a fortnight of holiday ahead of me while the Airds were unexpectedly away , not to speak of the obligatory Sunday to get through , the one that would have fallen to me in any case .
5 It is a homage to the kind of spirit that would have felt at home in Philip Glass .
6 The President and most Republican legislators favoured a version that would have limited the extra benefits to no more than 20 weeks , and objected to the qualification changes .
7 The banks themselves are under stress , and so are the public institutions that would have to deal with any banking breakdown .
8 This new construction can be cultured and develops quite a nice tooth , but now the sheet of cells that would have become the skin of the foot is induced to make enamel .
9 He smiled for a long moment into the raging eyes that would have struck him dead if they could .
10 But they were mysteries that would have to wait .
11 A new motor car was for many a luxury that would have to wait for another day .
12 On this issue , Hwang and Mai ( 1988 ) have shown that if the home firm 's conjectures were more ( less ) competitive than Cournot , the effect of the quota is to raise ( lower ) domestic prices relative to those that would have prevailed in the presence of tariffs .
13 My Lord the er plaintiff 's case is that you must er appertain now the actual situation of these plaintiffs and compare it with the situation that would have prevailed if the breaching of contract alleged , had not occurred .
14 So , a feature analyser would also have to take into account the overall shape of the letters so it 's becoming a bit more complicated already in terms of the model that would have to account for it .
15 Uninhibited by any tradition of building , they have taken off in a confused conglomeration of tile , cement , plastics , marble and paint that would have taxed the imagination of Disney .
16 Why do we give away Not only are we incurring the cost of what we 're giving away but we 're losing revenue with people that would have flown with us anyway
17 IT IS said that the marketing and advertising course is now the hardest to enter in the University of Ulster , requiring ‘ A ’ -level grades that would have sent my generation scurrying off with aspirations of entering Oxford or Cambridge and a career in the fast track of the Civil Service .
18 There is then a no gain/no loss disposal of his investment in the old company , and the gain that would have arisen goes to reduce the base cost of the qualifying investment .
19 If they are qualifying corporate bonds , the gain that would have arisen had the Target shares been disposed of is calculated , then suspended , and falls into charge on a subsequent disposal of the bonds even if they have by then become valueless ( see s116 TCGA 1992 ) .
20 In a sense , this provision simply imposes the result that would have arisen under general conflict of law principles if the governing law clause had never existed .
21 But what comes across from the letters is an overwhelming ignorance about female physiology and sexuality , the difficulty of gaining access to information , and a lack of privacy in their homes that would have rendered the use of female methods of birth control extremely difficult .
22 Mr Justice Cooke said that if a receiver failed to terminate a receivership although he had funds that would have achieved just that , then he should be treated as if his authority had ceased .
23 During the long periods between revaluations , distortions in the relative valuations of different properties occurred and , of course , new property had to be valued at the notional figure that would have obtained at the date of the previous revaluation .
24 In the other cases , part of the tax is felt by the producers or suppliers in the form of the lower prices that would have obtained if VAT did not apply .
25 Great holes were torn in it by the German machine guns and shrapnel , but with a discipline that would have honoured the Old Guard , it closed ranks .
26 But this time there would be a complete novelty , and one that would have given the most strongly anti-Marian pause .
27 The British government has backed down under pressure from the House of Lords over a controversial proposal that would have given the Secretary of State for Education formal responsibility for the way in which universities are run ( see Nature 362 , 275 ; 1993 ) .
28 Premier League chairman Sir John Quinton , who will also attend the talks , made ‘ final offer ’ noises last Friday when Taylor rejected a deal that would have given the PFA 5pc or a minimum of £1m from future revenue .
29 Right okay if it was X cubed that would have given me three times too much
30 ‘ Hearing about Clydebank on the radio , ’ replied Fireman Bill , blowing out a cloud of smoke that would have done credit to the Queen Mary .
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