Example sentences of "that we have not " in BNC.

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1 The issue is far more complicated and it is only fair to note that we have not reached a stage of knowledge when we can easily say what explains the status of women among the different peoples of the world .
2 But what persuades me that we have not heard the last of Havel the writer is that he combines a total commitment to social freedom and individual responsibility with an extraordinary ironic detachment .
3 It is vital to remember that we have not yet been told that Sarah will be the mother of the son of the promise .
4 The loss of a significant relationship through death is , however , likely to be one that we have not been able to prepare for much in advance , and it is likely to be a loss that we do regret .
5 Mr Pearse said : ‘ Do not think that we have not been fighting for the price of Midland shares that we have just received .
6 And you may like to know that we have not neglected the infant 's biological need to suckle .
7 It is a truism to say that we have not yet come to terms with it , or with the changes in relationships it has brought .
8 The irony is that having frittered our energies away in our endeavour to possess the object of our desire , having done all we can , even lied or deceived in order to obtain the object of our desire , we lose interest in that object because , whether consciously or not , we realize that we have not found lasting satisfaction or peace of mind .
9 One of the problems is that we have not found a way of doing it cheaply , and this has caused great anxiety . ’
10 The first is the reviewer 's clear implication that we have not consulted ‘ real teachers ’ .
11 At first it is not easy … we usually find that we have completed the task at hand and then we remember that we have not stopped to think first .
12 James says , in his letter , that we have not because we do not ask .
13 Long ago , those who attained this absolute knowledge explained : ‘ No longer can anyone bring before us anything that we have not already found , understood or known . ’
14 Nevertheless , the inflow of complaints continues to grow and I am disturbed that we have not yet been able to make much of an inroad into the backlog of work .
15 Our minds are so full of the ‘ pre-packaged ’ message that we have not stopped to think how it relates to those for whom it is intended .
16 Such images may be the food which fuels paintings and stories , or they may seem to be glimpses into an unknown world , one that we have not yet met .
17 ‘ What matters to us is the fact that we have not enjoyed much success against Southern Hemisphere nations and until we start beating them regularly we will never be world champions .
18 If so , why is that we have not heard anything from all those other civilizations out there ?
19 The group is trying to avoid the cry of ‘ not another one ’ by pointing out that the scheme has one or two extras that we have not seen before .
20 But then he adds , ‘ I have said and I repeat that we have not yet proved that this enveloping totalization exists ’ .
21 I am not suggesting we abandon it : the fact that we have not found ways to extract the information does not deny the existence of the factors or traits .
22 These changes in mortality , especially among the old elderly , suggest that we have not reached the maximum human lifespan .
23 If we return to the theory we started with , we will realise that we have not even bothered to decode the message .
24 One example of this " sham reading " is brought to our notice when we realise , on reaching the bottom of a page , that we have not been thinking about what the text means .
25 More likely , we may suppose that we have not arrived at an exact specification of one or more of the ten .
26 Note that we have not so far specified the wire thickness of either ring .
27 The issue of access is just one of the barriers that we have not tackled as positively as we would have wished .
28 Many supporters , I know , feel uneasy that Proby is returning and are dismayed that we have not seen the last of what the Whaddon and Mitchley Argus called ‘ The Headcase Half Back ’ .
29 The problem is compounded by the fact that we have not been told the prices realised by the sale of the NBC 's subsidiary companies .
30 ( Notice that we have not included the possibility of uninitialised variables within normal form programs , since no bound variable is ever read until it has been input to . )
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