Example sentences of "that she is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Some critics feel that she is either Emma returned from the grave , or a supernatural vision ; though both these interpretations make some sense , I feel that the most obvious possibility is the true one .
2 I believe it is possible to propose an explanation for the intuitive feeling one gets that the -ing form would be somewhat inappropriate here : the author is describing a person who is groping for anything which will reassure her before she meets her angry father and the mere fact that she is able to perceive objects which are familiar to her — when she feels so disoriented that she can take nothing for granted — is what gives her the sense that she is neither shirking nor lying .
3 The paradox in Leapor 's response to her experience is that she is firmly aware of its physical nature , yet she also insists on the intellectual and spiritual dignity of women .
4 The jibes that she is simply Rick Astley speeded up and has no voice of her own hurt , she says .
5 It irritates him beyond measure that she is nearly always right about everything . ’
6 Thus , a man may have sexual relations other than vaginal or anal intercourse with his mother , daughter , grand-daughter or sister provided that she is over 16 and provided she gives her consent in the legal sense of the term .
7 It is proposed that whether the girl is under 13 or under 16 , a man who believes that she is over 16 should not be guilty of any crime .
8 She has danced with Soul II Soul , Jamie Morgan , Will Downing and Jermaine Stewart , though she feels that she is probably ‘ not dedicated enough ’ to dance professionally .
9 She comes to believe , however , that she is probably better off without him :
10 That she is probably dealing with a barren original only emphasizes the problems of conventionality .
11 And I am much too disappointed to curse her , to realise that she is probably in for a cut herself .
12 I was made sorry for her at first , as I would be for any young girl , crippled — it is hinted by the cruelty of her husband — and a mother , but even at the beginning there is a niggling doubt that she is rather superficial and shallow .
13 ‘ Quite apart from the fact that she is regularly ill-tempered , she must be vilely jealous of you . ’
14 My hon. Friend is a charming relative newcomer to this place and we are delighted that she is here , but if she had been here as long as I have — getting on for 18 years now — she would have heard me banging on about exactly that point .
15 But it is as Anne Rice that she is most accessible , writing about history and horror with everything from eighteenth-century castrati in Venice and Scottish demons to Egyptian mummies in Edwardian England .
16 Her clutched hands are locked together showing that she is completely cut off in her emotions towards her husband .
17 Because of the changing moon I can now see that she is completely naked .
18 As I have said , she will find that she is completely wrong .
19 From the outside people may say she has married into such and such a descent group but this does not mean that she is also not at the same time the wife of a particular man .
20 Although some poems , especially her essays , suggest that she is also looking toward a wider audience , in the vast majority of poems she speaks specifically to some woman she knows .
21 The fact that she is also now mother to two year old Emma , with another child on the way , is coincidental .
22 The procedure continues for weeks with the man unable to tell the girl that he still buys the ticket even though he no longer has a car , and the girl not wanting to hurt his feelings by revealing that she is just taking a short cut , walking through the car park on her way to W. H. Smith .
23 The only physical change should be that she is no longer able to have children .
24 A time will come when you will know that she is no longer saying to herself , ‘ If I ca n't have him , I do n't want anything ’ .
25 Since she was capable of loving so deeply , she can still , if she chooses , remain in the business of giving and receiving love for as long as she lives , for although she may feel that she is no longer everything to anyone , she can still mean a great deal to a number of people .
26 If , however , your parent is so seriously ill physically or mentally that she is no longer capable of dealing with her own financial affairs at any level , arrangements can be made by her solicitor for these to be dealt with by a government department known as the Court of Protection , and you should discuss this matter with the solicitor .
27 It cuts the ground from under her , and depresses her , at a time when she is fully aware that she is no longer sexually desirable , but is trying to build a new and satisfying image as an elegant , wise , elderly woman who is still interesting as a person .
28 And while Monika has been told unofficially that she is no longer welcome as a teacher of religious studies at St Thomas More School , Bedford , Father O' Neill continues to enjoy the protection of the church as a practising priest .
29 Steffi is happy though that she is no longer the flavour of the moment for the more inquisitive press .
30 But the addition of paid work to the housewife 's activities does not mean that she is no longer a housewife .
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