Example sentences of "that she be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 've found the increasing dogmatism and certainty that she 's right the most sinister thing about her because that so often goes with paranoid feelings , and it may be that this is one manifestation of that .
2 Confirm that she 's right by her Cedar Grove .
3 It 's only because of you that she 's here at all .
4 It 's why you are n't unduly worried that she 's away with Steve .
5 TOP MARKS : Whatever financial advice Johnny 's been giving Fergie has obviously paid off as the Duchess shows that she 's well and truly on top of the subject
6 Tracey said that she 's just gon na be one of these the judge either likes you or he do n't like you .
7 That 's it , that 's what I had they told and they said that it might be that she 's just , she 's just is small for her size , but it might be that Katie taken all the goodness from Hannah
8 Is n't it now obvious Mr Speaker that her own personal position on this issue is utterly impossible to justify , and that she 's just plain ‘ frit ’ .
9 Is n't it now obvious Mr Speaker that her own personal position on this issue is utterly impossible to justify , and that she 's just plain ‘ frit ’ .
10 It seems to me that she 's also saying , it 's also a plea , on Charlotte Bronte 's behalf to men , to want women who come to them developed , independent and
11 Meanwhile , former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters has attacked Madonna in the most recent issue of Details magazine : ‘ What 's extraordinary about Madonna is that she 's made all these rotten records , and she 's this awful , ugly , dull person who — by virtue of the fact that she 's completely fearless and shameless and blatant and cheap and bad — has become successful , ’ he says .
12 Katia says that she 's profoundly irritated by artists who insist that they go home , shut the door , and become ‘ normal ’ — ‘ What is this normal ?
13 ‘ Yes , even in Minnie , who 's so unlikely that she 's probably true — there probably has been someone who grew up as she did , saloon-wise and card-sharping yet quite sure that she wants nothing to do with the kind of messing around she 's seen under her parents ’ roof .
14 Because erm my daughter 's at the stage that she 's probably
15 She did drive until last year but I would imagine that she 's probably no longer safe driving .
16 I mean , it 's not that she 's probably gon na go after it but I , you know , who knows !
17 Let's just say that she 's quite safe in a boys ’ school … ’
18 She 's had such a good time and made so many new friends that she 's quite resigned to going back to school in a few days ’ time . ’
19 I thought just we can see that she 's quite an extremist just .
20 Alamena , Boz 's wife , is making life difficult for her , telling her she 's not to leave the camp and that she 's too free and easy with everyone .
21 Yeah , er , I mean , I 'm not picking , I 'm I 'm , I mean Rachel 's in my tutor group , so I know that there is another A Level subject that she 's really very good at .
22 Some people who have an elderly parent to live with them are heard to say , ‘ We 're very fond of her of course , but the trouble with Mother is that she 's always there ! ’
23 ‘ It seems to me that she 's always over there . ’
24 and she said my sister spends I mean , we 're now talking about nineteen seventy my sister spends twelve and six a week on things from for the house on the hire purchase if she ever truly runs into debt she 'll save part of the cost of the thing , you know and then she knows that she 's always going to have to put twelve and six a week aside but she does that and buys things for the house and you see if you 've got if you 've got that little bit of extra coming in it 's quite well it 's like my lodgers , Brenda if I could n't if I could n't get what I need from my lodgers well Neil pays me Neil 's house rent which thirty pound a week
25 Some say she has long fair hair , others that she 's as dusky a beauty as you 'd find among the pieds-noirs !
26 Kat Bjelland rather teasingly answered that she 's never felt constrained by male domination — unwillingly .
27 He finds time to talk to her and tell her what 's going on so that she 's never at a loss to deal with any situation .
28 Well I think , I 've got ta say that I think it might be ha it might be working better now with there but when not there and we go to and say can you tell me where X Y Z is , the response you 're gon na get is I 'm sorry I do n't know and the reason she wo n't know is that she 's never bothered to ask because she 's not talking so it 's okay while there but it wo n't be when she 's not because I 've had that , sorry I do n't know .
29 All I know about her is that she 's twice a widow …
30 We do occasionally get calls from people who 've dialled a number listed in one of the ads only to find that it 's wrong — an old lady in Dunfirmline insisting that she 's definitely not selling a Malmsteen Strat — or perhaps giving the ‘ unobtainable ’ tone on a number which does n't exist .
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