Example sentences of "that she [be] very " in BNC.

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1 But I 'm sure that she 's very nice when you get to know her . ’
2 One of the things I like most about Julia is the fact that she 's very different from me ; I like our dissimilarities more than our similarities , although we do share a lot .
3 It 's providential for her that she 's got a job that she 's very good at and that she enjoys .
4 Mm and she never wanted to return to full time teaching , its , its for her that she 's got a job that she 's very good at and she enjoy , in an extremely nice school .
5 It 's also the fact that I know for a fact , I know for a fact that she 's very frightened of his temper when it happens .
6 He is prepared to forgive Patricia Hodge 's platitudinous children 's book reviews on the grounds that she is very beautiful .
7 I think but the thing is I can see like from that er she looks very pretty but it 's not so much she looks very pretty there , I can tell that she is very pretty .
8 He agreed that she was very good natured and nearly all Rotties he saw were calm and friendly .
9 There is nothing to suggest that she was very clever , very holy , very gifted or very beautiful .
10 She had already left the show , but the rumours persisted that she was very fond of handsome Aussie stars Alan Dale and Ian Smith .
11 More recently , Jocelyn Harris has spoken of Leapor 's ‘ self-loathing ; although this is a strong term to use , any close reading of Leapor 's poetry will show that she was very sensitive about her appearance .
12 She repeated that she was very comfortable there and lived there by choice .
13 But from my own researches it became plain to me that she was very much a person of her times , as compared with Beatrice Webb who became so much a critic of her times .
14 She knew rather than felt that she was very tired and recognized the symptoms of an overstimulated brain in an exhausted body , the restless limbs and inability to get comfortable .
15 He said ( which now surprises me ) that she was very deaf and very slow .
16 Defensively , I point out that she was very attractive as Cleopatra with Morecambe and Wise .
17 It was obvious that she was very upset and alarmed .
18 Once you got behind that she was very much more composed .
19 He was surprised to find that she was very big-breasted .
20 I noticed that she was very modest in front of me , going through mild contortions putting on her undies beneath her dressing-gown , and once when it fell off , revealing her shabbily but quite decently clad in a mauve rayon slip , she snatched it up with a quick " Sorry dear " .
21 I mean there is a , I do n't know if anybody saw there was a a programme on , it was actually B B C , erm , this week , it was about somebody who felt that she was very overweight and actually had her stomach stapled !
22 Her face was racked with pain and it was clear that she was very ill .
23 He could sense that she was alive somewhere close , where the Men had taken her , and that she was very near her end ; nearer than she had been before .
24 ‘ You were lucky to make it to the lav , ’ observed Lydia , meaning that she was very grateful that Betty had made it to the lav , since one of the rules is that the afflicted person does not mop up her own vomit and Lydia was absolutely no good at doing this .
25 It was clear that she was very close to death , and Julia began to worry because Minnie had not been informed .
26 My aunt did n't get many letters from her , and those she did get were censored , but from the way Zdenka wrote , it was obvious that she was very hungry .
27 They were afraid that she was very ill , so when they saw her looking happy and well , everyone felt better .
28 The member of staff when I spoke to him about it afterwards — I did not call him in to speak to him about it immediately because I did not think it was either my place or my duty — I told him that she was very concerned about that being said to her son and quite frankly so was I , and really was that the sort of thing to say and he agreed it was n't the thing to say but he said ‘ I was so angry at the time .
29 He found Aunt Tossie most agreeable , and wondered if it was true that she was very rich .
30 He seemed incapable of accepting that she was very lonely .
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