Example sentences of "that she [be] only " in BNC.

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1 There is , of course , nothing wrong with trying to look your best , but for the born-again Weldon to refuse to see anyone unless she spent half the day in the hairdressers and then proclaim that she 's only doing it to further her career ( oh , please ) smacks of hypocrisy of the very highest order .
2 A herd of deer on the African plains may feed undisturbed when a lioness walks among them , if they perceive that she is only out for a stroll .
3 Susan : Mrs C is prejudiced herself because , I mean , she said to Karen that she is only getting bad because she hangs around with too many black people .
4 We can speculate that there is a psychological motive for this switch , with Adele using a change of code to indicate that she is only reporting these words and does not herself " stand behind " them or vouch for their validity .
5 Marie thought of her own mother with her frumpy clothes and ageing , lined face : no one would have guessed that she was only forty-two .
6 It was unbelievable that she was only the same age as many of them .
7 Every evening my mother would come home from work , tired , and it seemed to me that she was only interested in her job or , more specifically , the personal affairs of her colleagues .
8 It was difficult to believe that she was only a few years younger than his mother ; both mentally and physically she belonged to a different generation .
9 Nevertheless , she realized that she was only safe until the train reached King 's Cross .
10 Joe said nothing and Maureen said anxiously , ‘ I suppose you think he 's weak , Joe , but what can he do ? she said when he went back that she was only teasing about the baby not being his !
11 It was suggested that she hated the wet and dreary Balmoral holidays , that she suffered from anorexia , that she had quarrelled with a number of the Prince 's household and staff , that she was only interested in clothes , that she was a lover of discotheques and neglected her husband .
12 " But that policeman who brought in the exhibits said that she was only eighteen .
13 She was so interested that she was only vaguely aware the room was emptying of other guests until a waiter picked up their empty glasses and obstinately replaced the ashtrays Roman had borrowed .
14 She loved him so much , and to realise that she was only an episode in his busy life was bitter indeed .
15 Despite the fact that she was only yards from the main street , not one sound of the flowing traffic penetrated the stillness .
16 She then sought a fair rent , which she could only do if she were a tenant , but Mr Street of course argued that she was only a licensee .
17 Did n't it matter to him that she was only after his money , that she was far from being the warm , motherly soul that she seemed ?
18 She said , once more trying her best to sound scathing , but sensing strongly that she was only half succeeding , ‘ I 'm glad to hear you have some redeeming features . ’
19 Conscious that she was only scantily dressed , Sarella gave him a weighing glance .
20 ‘ Some other time , ’ he said , clearly believing that she was only stalling .
21 That and the fact that she was only an assistant would make her discontented and , quite possibly , cause her to resign .
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