Example sentences of "that at the time " in BNC.

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1 Mr Lightman said that at the time of the libel trial the defence had no idea that this payment had been made .
2 He notes that at the time that Hoover was engaged in this exercise , a basic Italian washing machine was gaining market share against a heavily promoted German product , in Germany .
3 In fact , the evidence suggests that at the time of the great debates over defence and the Middle East in 1946 Britain had a realistic view of Soviet intentions in this area — that they fundamentally consisted in a determination to secure access to oil concessions in northern Iran .
4 What was interesting about that was that at the time John Brown got into financial difficulties the banks and institutional shareholders took a tough but very constructive view that it was worth helping the company through a reconstruction rather than forcing it into liquidation , which had been an attitude prevalent some years earlier .
5 It led to a period of sharp retrenchment and redundancies , a situation that at the time was very foreign to ICi which had been accustomed to unrestricted expansion in practically everything it undertook .
6 Voluntary settlements ( in particular family settlements made after marriage ) are set aside by a bankruptcy if made within two years before ; and even if made within ten years before , unless it is shown that at the time the bankrupt was able to meet his liabilities without the settled property .
7 by the marriage of the testator , unless it appears from the will that at the time it was made the testator was expecting to be married to a particular person , and that he intended that the will ( or a particular disposition in the will ) should not be revoked by that marriage , and that marriage takes place .
8 There can be little doubt that at the time Constantine took control of the Western empire , Christianity can have been the religion of only a minority , though perhaps not so tiny a minority as has sometimes been thought .
9 Though his popular image undoubtedly embodied the broad ideological prejudices and aspirations of the masses — including anti-Semitism — it appears hard to argue that at the time that Hitler was gaining his widest electoral support the ‘ Jewish Question , was the decisive element in his growing appeal .
10 Kylie recalls that at the time , ‘ Jason was really chubby with a bowl haircut and I was really small with straight blonde hair . ’
11 ‘ It is quite in order , ’ he said , ‘ for a person to put assets into family trusts , or indeed give assets away to other parties , provided that at the time a person gives away his assets he is quite solvent . ’
12 It is difficult to assess the number of garbage pickers , because this fluctuates seasonally and because they are not really enumerated in official statistics , but Birkbeck estimates that at the time of the study , there were between 1,200 and 1,700 garbage pickers in Cali .
13 It 's just that at the time it all seemed so beautiful and important , it was like some kind of historical event .
14 In order that the shelf-life shall be sufficiently long it is necessary that at the time of manufacture , the product shall comply with a specification which sets narrower limits , particularly for those parameters in respect of which the product is least stable .
15 It is certainly true that at the time of the Butler Education Act the school curriculum was not much discussed in public , although certain assumptions about its content were in fact incorporated in the Act .
16 This certainly seems to be true if we consider that at the time the activity ( such as using a book ) takes place , the person concerned is certainly doing it in preference to doing anything else .
17 I was so surprised that at the time I uttered no word .
18 All I can say is that at the time everything fitted together perfectly into so glaringly obvious a pattern that I was amazed I had never seen it before .
19 It was symptomatic of the British approach to the whole question that at the time the Act took effect no one knew , even to an approximation , how many data users were going to be required to register .
20 It was therefore not surprising that at the time Indirect Rule was rising to ideological prominence an emphasis on recruiting the right people should develop in the Colonial Service .
21 The daring magnitude of this conception has since been obscured by its almost routine enactment in a series of African countries in the 1960s , but it should never be forgotten that India was the test case , and that at the time success in the execution of such a plan seemed far from assured : only a year before Mountbatten 's appointment the then viceroy , Lord Wavell , had been pressing on the Cabinet his ‘ Breakdown Plan ’ , which consisted simply of the phased evacuation of the British from India without any serious attempt to ensure that a viable , much less friendly , government was installed in their place .
22 He acknowledges his indebtedness to Tolstoy and maintains that at the time of reading the book he was passing through a period of doubt and scepticism .
23 In fact , this guitar is such a closely guarded secret that at the time of writing there are n't even any pictures available .
24 Slavonic legend has it that at the time of the Creation of the World a group of malignant spirits staged a revolt against Svarog , the sky god .
25 They built a separate development area , and Wilkinson reports that at the time he was writing his book three major new projects were being developed within it , but as none had reached completion there is no data about the effects of this new pattern of introducing new technology in that company .
26 Ruth was tempted to tell her that at the time she had not had the vicar in mind , but since Mrs Peterson had not come to bring her any comfort , she simply turned her face to the wall .
27 With hindsight , it is clear that at the time we did not fully grasp the real significance of the workers ' position .
28 Not surprisingly , it was this rule on which the Revenue rested its argument that the taxpayer should be taxed on the full amount of the benefit , even though it was aware that at the time the 1976 Finance Bill was being debated , the then Financial Secretary to the Treasury , Robert Sheldon , expressly stated that the benefit of a school place given at concessionary rates to the child of a teacher at that school would be ‘ assessed on the cost to the employer , which would be very small indeed in this case ’ .
29 At the second appeal Murphy 's conviction was quashed , a new witness coming forward to say that at the time of the murder in Luton he had seen Murphy in a London street .
30 It is a defence for a person charged with ‘ Being in Charge ’ to prove that at the time he is alleged to have committed the offence the circumstances were such that there was no likelihood of his driving the vehicle whilst the proportion of alcohol in his breath , blood or urine remained likely to exceed the prescribed limit ; but in determining whether there was such a likelihood the court may disregard any injury to him and any damage to the vehicle .
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