Example sentences of "that they [verb] have " in BNC.

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1 For a while they just stood there , staring down at the boar , satisfying their curiosity after the brief and distant glimpses that they 'd had on the hunt .
2 Not that they 'd had many takers , no more than fifty , mostly scum from prison camps attracted by the offer of good food , women and money .
3 Brand told me that they 'd been friendly from way back and when I leaned on him a bit he admitted that they 'd had a thing going but it had been broken off two or three years ago . ’
4 The second half was n't that much better , the opposition apparently decided that they 'd had their cup final however , so they meekly attempted to defend their 1–1 scoreline and this was their undoing .
5 yeah and , and erm I would probably argue that the peasants set up their , some of their mutual aid associations and their associations to actually restore some of the er perks that they 'd had before
6 To his surprise he noticed that they seemed to have burned into the wood .
7 It appeared that they wished to have the system completed and in operation before paying further .
8 There is a further submission that they failed to have regard to the mother changing her mind about having R. adopted .
9 Most people are aware , for instance , that a major link between those who suffer heart attacks is that they tend to have a high level of cholesterol in the blood .
10 ‘ What is advantageous about cheaper guitars is that they tend to have one sound , and when you plug 'em in you either like the sound or you do n't .
11 After a three-month stoppage , engineers said last week that they expected to have the plant running again in a fortnight .
12 ‘ Indian restaurants are always contacting us to say that they 've had celebrities in , and more often than not they turn out to be MPs . ’
13 LAWRENSON : ‘ No but I honestly believe that there are certain members of the Press that are delighted to have a go at Liverpool because of the success that they 've had .
14 But what happens when the right-wing minority decides that they 've had enough of this liberal claptrap about integration ?
15 Er well erm I 'll be very interested to know whether er , what sort of consultation with the Northbrook 's er , people that they 've had and erm when er , I recall asking about erm er , some of these er dwellings being for rent and erm I thought that , you said er i it was a possibility .
16 What I , w w what we 've done is we 've assured them that we will provide the level of service that they 've had previously and if need be
17 Erm we do n't see a great deal of difference that they 've had the same problem as we 've had , in that we ran out of time before we could put the er finished act together properly .
18 They want to place on record the generous support that they 've had from you and for the , yes in a moment , the seconder of the emergency motion for er moving her support .
19 Undoubtedly , some of you will be , but there must be one or two people who are actually dreading Christmas er bearing in mind that they 've had to ask somebody whom they do n't really want in their house , or perhaps that person or people have asked themselves , and it 's very difficult to know how to refuse is n't it really ?
20 It 's been fairly blustery the odd day but there 's frost and especially the snow that they 've had down further south it seems to be helping us up here I would say and it 's with the with the land work especially got the slurry and stuff of that kind .
21 where you , you get a scale response to them and we can do stats on but equally , if you get people to describe their most recent dream or describe their most erm , you know , compelling dream or , you know , a good one that they 've had in the last year or something like that , you may want to try and get that on tape or something like that erm if possible , yeah .
22 The police say that they 've had reports of sightings of Sir Roy around London .
23 He says that they 've had reports of cars parked on the carriageway .
24 He says that they 've had reports of cars parked on the carriageway .
25 He says that they 've had a three man gang picking up peoples rubbish for the last seven years .
26 Meanwhile the pair say that they 've had trouble in the past with vandalism and youths prowling around the back of the council owned flats .
27 John Gorman says … he 's happy but in some ways disappointed that they 've had to wait so long for a win … it 's been hard week after week … but they 've shown great character and the fans have been very supportive
28 They said it 's only in the last five to seven years that they 've had the technology to do it . ’
29 Do n't see any reason why I should not that they 've had nothing wrong
30 They can only evaluate the care that they 've had
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