Example sentences of "that they did [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Not me , no the drivers and conductors and inspectors , they had a uniform and it was seen that they did wear it .
2 The question for us is whether the evidence now available establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that they did intend to act in contempt of the court 's authority .
3 You know that they did improve
4 The fact that they did arrive however , was much appreciated by people in this part of Gloucestershire .
5 The Labour Party policies that they did contest , and partly reverse , were nationalization policies not social welfare ones .
6 And and you could get a feel for the fact that they did do it .
7 The Chinese never felt that they had to go anywhere much beyond their own frontiers to acquire knowledge or to find riches ; to the extent that they did go abroad , it was to the west , by land or by hugging the coast .
8 She ought to be hoping instead that they did go to Civitavecchia and finally sorted out the mystery of Jeff and Silvia .
9 Whatever the outcome , the tendency to rationalize , ie for people to claim that they did achieve what they set out to , is high .
10 Erm in fact the Department of Transport have reached the subsequently of , the , third of December and it confirms to us that they did place erm their , their erm flight management figures on , on level
11 Although the 1992 results are not public , a highly-placed source at USL tells us that they did make a small profit last year ( on revenues of $91m ) .
12 Unfortunately , the Engineering Council ran into trouble with the fact that they did want to put some penal clauses in whereby engineers were responsible for a lot of their actions .
13 Although a reasonable amount of material is available about the lives of these two men , nothing is known about their Muftiliks beyond the bare statement that they did hold the office ; and it is consequently impossible to make assumptions with any assurance about the nature of their Muftiliks .
14 Macdonald 's survey of 1904 claimed that in Edinburgh women were involved in " every process except making up and carrying type " , suggesting that they did lock up formes and do corrections
15 legitimate to think that how that they did think that this was a short-term goal in order to achieve their long-term objectives .
16 An enormous variety of reasons , and by and large not the sort of reasons that advertisers would hope that they did give .
17 In fact , if the problem is set within the context of an evidently powerful late-tenth-century Danish monarchy , it is difficult to believe that Harald Bluetooth or his son could not have introduced a naval system had they wished , and when the concern about the country 's southern land defences is remembered , along with the importance that must also have been attached to protection from sea-borne attack , it might seem more likely than not that they did wish .
18 Of course it takes time for the increased number of women on the list to work through into actual appointments , but one of the purposes behind the Prime Minister 's initiative was to see that they did work through into actual appointments .
19 We had to , obviously , but the Poll Tax is now all on this modern technology and it does n't need nearly as many staff , and Phyllis will remember in her budget that they did put savings in the Treasurer 's Department for that very reason .
20 And never in my wildest dream did we imagine that Labour would get in with the resounding majority that they did get in .
21 They were charged that they did contrive , design and plot to murder MOIR NcILCHENICH widow of Ellister for mere avarice and covetousness to attain to her money which they supposed she had lying by her in her house and in pursuance of this plot did upon some day of April 1698 in dead time of night murder her by strangling her with her own belt and thereafter threw her body over a rock into the sea so that the deed was not discovered for some time .
22 Charles and Diana may not have had many interests in common when they first met , but one that they did have , and have enjoyed together throughout their marriage , is skiing .
23 It was easy for Draper and White to mock the church fathers for their naiveté on matters of natural philosophy , forgetting that they did have higher concerns — forgetting , too , that their naiveté often reflected the pagan wisdom of their day .
24 To compensate for this handicap , which was compounded by the hostility of the mainstream press , de Gaulle and the RPF were compelled to make creative use of the assets that they did have .
25 I know but it 's just , waste of time in it ? they 'd been better spent to finish the order that they did have , and inject that , ha oh be fair to do that to use though , no doubt they will , pick out all the things we did n't do right bloody should done too many of this or not enough of that
26 Think about the money , about a quarter of the staff that they did have .
27 But during a series of lawsuits against Johns-Manville , Pittsburgh Corning , and other asbestos manufacturers , it was revealed that they did know directly from their own scientific researchers whose implicatory findings were sup-pressed ( Ermann and Lundman 1982 : 68–9 ) .
28 S so then the evidence is that they did know each other , begging what know exactly entails , but that 's not in dispute .
29 They reassured Pamela that they did trust her , but added that they hoped she would feel more able to be open with them about her social life .
30 This was because they found that many of their animals and plants were very similar to European forms , but that they did differ in what seemed to be significant respects , such as size or colour .
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