Example sentences of "that might [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 This study will examine such problems , as and when they arise — and will do so through an ethnographic grasp of cultural differences and misunderstandings on topics that might range from the price of butter to question of minorities , language , drugs and terror .
2 The other inhibition is more pragmatic : fear of unlimited losses on short positions that might result from a sudden market rally .
3 Nevertheless , provided that it is possible to make informed assumptions about the likely shapes and sizes of buildings at particular periods , a computer can be programmed to search for particular configurations of post-holes that might result from such a structure and ‘ peel them off ’ , to reveal a simplified picture of earlier building phases .
4 ‘ For to obviate the inconveniencies that might result from the too frequent communication with the out pupils the Professor will demonstrate to the latter only what might be useful to them as Surgeons and Physicians to the human body , such as the most important demonstrations of comparative anatomy as likewise experiences [ experiments ] on several animals , which could not be attempted on Man without imminent danger , and lastly , a comparison between epidemical and epizootic diseases — therefore the out pupils ought to be considered by the Society [ College ] as a separate Class : the consideration of which ought not to have any influence as to the situation of the establishments .
5 Admittedly the Supplement devotes space to provision for cycling and it repeats DB32 ‘ s general advice to have regard for the special road and footpath layout requirements that might result from the consideration of bus routes and stops .
6 But , according to Haksar , what has also to be taken into consideration is the risk of violence that might result from not allowing people to express their feeling and here civil disobedience might be regarded as a safety valve .
7 This analysis was performed in the control groups to avoid the potential bias that might result from lifestyle changes ( particularly treatment ) occurring after myocardial infarction .
8 Such official intervention may in theory reduce the degree of exchange rate volatility , and so partially reduce the uncertainty in world trade that might result from a free float .
9 Even without the element of uncertainty , however , potential plaintiffs may be reluctant to inflict on the company the disruption that an action against a director can involve , or expose it to the unfavourable publicity that might result from airing its difficulties in public .
10 Eric 's parents , who , according to him , could scarcely be regarded as enthusiastic churchgoers , now developed a strong feeling that any children that might result from our marriage ought to be brought up as members of the Church of England .
11 The borough council has also been told that its measures designed to compensate property-owners for groundwater damage that might result from the barrage , were ‘ gravely inadequate ’ .
12 Before my hon. Friend further develops his theme , will he explain whether it is envisaged that measures that might result from the Bill will include action to control traffic on narrow roads ?
13 However , to avoid irrelevant uncertainties that might result from relying on assumptions about particular situations , we offer in ( 5 ) examples that actually meet the unnecessarily strict requirement of inclusion on the type level , but which we might reasonably claim as sentences that could be used by ordinary speakers in the right circumstances : ( 5 ) ( a ) some of the Buddhists were sheltered in Islamic mosques ( b ) the carnivorous leopard has much larger teeth than an antelope ( c ) after the barren desert , Kano is like a garden 7.2 It will be immediately evident that the distinction between restrictive and non-restrictive does not concern any difference of intensional structure in the narrow sense , either in the relations involved , or in the nature of the elements related .
14 Rehabilitation is the first aim , minimizing and reversing the damage that might arise from the separation of parents and children ; loss of self-esteem , threats to identity and reduction in power over decision-making ( Richards , 1987 ) .
15 The monitoring network has become known as the radioactive incident monitoring network ( RIMNET ) and has , as its prime responsibility , the detection of abnormal increases in radiation levels within the UK of the kind that might arise from an overseas nuclear accident .
16 Furthermore , the manual is concerned with matters of design alone and does not address the benefits that might arise from legal changes — because it can not .
17 This conception of syntax as a kind of lexical auxiliary is explored in Chapter 5. 1 mention it here simply to illustrate the implications that might arise from the more considered interpretation of theoretical ideas .
18 She heard the sound of his footsteps upstairs , and then the more distant noise of the shower being turned on , and she resolutely shut her mind to any wayward thoughts that might arise from there .
19 I would argue , however , that there is a difference between what one might consider to be reasonable use by passenger traffic during the day , and the disturbances that might arise from that , and the use of the line at night by heavy goods traffic .
20 Contemporary concerns with the dangers posed to the rights of individuals by incorrect information are reflected in the laws and institutions set up on national levels to protect individuals against incorrect data and the implications that might arise from any errors .
21 There could also be more dialogue between practitioners , their managers and their professional associations about issues that might benefit from research .
22 to foresee the targets that might benefit from that information ( or , as importantly , that on receipt of that information might benefit the Garden )
23 The calls the section police receive constitute the bulk of their routine duties , although they also undertake the administrative tasks that might follow from them , such as preparing case files and attending court and post-mortems .
24 They suggest that he could become the country 's national president in any strongly reformist administration that might emerge from the current upheaval .
25 Ho , as well as Bao Dai , was to be consulted and it would be put to him that if he was the real nationalist which he professed to be he would ‘ accept loyally the decisions and mandates of the government and the subsequent constituent assembly , etc. and bind himself unequivocally not to … subvert the true nationalism of his people or a government that might emerge from the multilateral effort ’ .
26 ( 2 ) Provide the Chairman with a note for each item of business , giving him the previous history of the discussion and indicating not the decision but at least the possible decisions that might emerge from the current meeting .
27 Sometimes a girl is in conflict with her culture or religion in how she wants to dress and express herself , as Sneha ( Chapter 7 ) describes ; sometimes a young woman enjoys dressing a certain way but discovers that there are prejudices and stereotypes about the way she wants to look ; conflicts that might come from within , or from her family , her job , or the outside world .
28 They seldom seem aware of the support that might come from other levels , and emphasize instead the difference of their problems and environment .
29 We suggested a time of quiet , to catch any ideas that might come from this Source .
30 Probably anticipating the enhancing of the already considerable temperature that might ensue from a stretch of proven hell-raising , Pukwana called for a blues , and set about declaring his intent with that impassioned alto cry ( the instrument in his hands displaying the weight of the tenor as well as the wild , wayward quality of the higher horn ) that has been thrilling British audiences since the Sixties .
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