Example sentences of "that he [vb -s] to have " in BNC.

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1 , the former NIH official who set up the $ 70 million Institute for Genomic Research in Maryland specifically to pursue the project , told a Nature Genetics conference in Washington last week that he hopes to have ‘ a nearly complete description of the human genome , in the freezer and on computer , within twelve to eighteen months ’ .
2 Gascoigne said in a Channel Four interview that he plans to have ‘ a private word ’ with the England boss following remarks which had suggested that he could have a drinking problem .
3 Unfortunately , it is precisely at the point when the plaintiff can not succeed in a claim in negligence that he needs to have recourse to the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher .
4 There was a bonus for the Everton boss in that he seems to have discovered the creative midfield force he has been lacking , and it is a player he signed during his first spell at the club five-and-a-half years ago .
5 ‘ I do n't really know much about Doctor Reid , ’ I admitted , ‘ except that he seems to have a great sense of humour and is — well , perhaps a bit unconventional . ’
6 Although comedy came to him easily in the sense that he seems to have made the class laugh at will from a tender age , it is , like everything else , something that he works at and it annoys him when others fail to do so .
7 One of the intriguing features of his account is that he seems to have heard or read at least one quotation in Greek from the Pentateuch .
8 It is true that he seems to have been sufficiently interested to use Wagner as the extreme example of " the demonic in music " for his Germania paper on that theme ; and also that , following his exposure to the music of Tristan , some of his own compositions of 1861 have a marked Wagnerian flavour ( in eccentric combination with formally archaic polyphony ) — but this flirtation was short-lived and not repeated until his conversion to Wagner seven years later .
9 Parts of his book are about physics and cosmology , and I am not competent to comment on those except to note that he seems to have used genuine physicists as his authorities .
10 In a sense Mao is , is adopting very much the position that he seems to have taken erm in nineteen forty five when he 's , he 's looking forward to land return but saying at the moment our policy of rent reduction , interest rate reduction will continue and at some stage we will then be able to move on into , to that reform .
11 It is true his poems seem the products of a constricted emotional experience and that he appears to have drawn rather heavily on books for the heat he could not derive from life .
12 He finds that he has to have his full concentration on his walk in order to match Iain 's stumbling , neurotic empathy .
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