Example sentences of "that he [verb] at " in BNC.

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31 A deal would need two big concessions from Mr Gorbachev that he balked at last year .
32 King Henry IV proved not to be popular , mainly because he had to ward off constant attempts to usurp him , and all his energy was directed in that pursuit , so that he died at an age of less than forty-seven , in March 1413 .
33 The way in which the contours of objects are continually broken in Cézanne 's painting reinforces the impression that he looked at his subject from more than one position .
34 We know that he kept away from the moor , so it 's unlikely that he waited at the moor gate every evening .
35 With direct reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and in response to a ‘ demand ’ for more radical action which he had read in a newspaper , Hitler made clear that he had at the time to proceed tactically and in stages , but that his strategy was to manoeuvre his enemy into a corner before destroying him completely .
36 For some time now he had been certain that he had at last evolved a diction appropriate both to the requirements of classical epic and to the subtleties of the alchemical process .
37 ‘ No evidence that he had at all .
38 ‘ Yes , she does look better , ’ replied Melissa , thinking that the return of Rodney 's jacket must have convinced Eleanor that he had at last been eliminated from police enquiries .
39 Although Geoffrey appeared to be absorbed in a book he had picked up , she had no doubt that he had at least one ear open to the conversation .
40 Tottenham fans are still waiting to see the England Under-21 international produce the scintillating form that he displayed at his former club Portsmouth .
41 Though widely reported , it is uncertain whether on 10 September Moltke , in fact , informed the Kaiser , ‘ Majesty , we have lost the war ’ ; if so , it showed a flash of strategic prescience that he displayed at no other moment in his military career .
42 It was perhaps as a member of Gloucester 's retinue that he fought at Bannockburn in June 1314 , where Gloucester was killed ; and his performance in the battle , for which he was later rewarded with land worth 100 marks a year , may have brought him to Edward II 's notice .
43 It 's funny that he flags at the interests of the party of crime .
44 He says that he worked at Emma 's request to produce a record of the deeds which touched upon the honour of her and hers , and the oldest surviving manuscript , which is very close to the author 's original , may be the copy she received : it contains a miniature which shows an ecclesiastic presenting a book to a woman while two figures , presumably her sons Harthacnut and Edward , look on .
45 Her wakefulness was dogged by growing anxiety over the day ahead ; had her mother told Jennifer that David was back in the country , that he worked at OBEX ?
46 One of the most attractive designs that he did at this time was for Kay Dick 's novel , An Affair of Love ( 1953 ) .
47 As the Prime Minister savours one of his last few busy days before the deluge , will he think back to the dinner that he gave at No. 10 Downing street last November on behalf of the Tory party for what The Sun — I must quote it accurately because it is from The Sun —
48 Great praise has been given to Mr. Baker , the United States Secretary of State , for arranging that conference and so fulfilling the commitment that he gave at the time of the Gulf war , when he said that he and President Bush would do all that they could to bring the parties to the negotiating table .
49 The prosecution finally dropped its charges when Robert McFarlane , National Security Adviser in 1983-85 and thus North 's superior , who was brought before Gesell on Sept. 11 as a test case to decide whether proceedings should continue , declared that North 's congressional testimony had a " very powerful impact " on him and " coloured " evidence that he gave at the original trial .
50 If he had given the speech that he gave at Bayeux in June 1946 a year earlier , he could have turned the October 1945 referendum and elections into a referendum on his own views .
51 Indeed , it is not difficult to understand Lanfranc 's impatience with all that he found at Canterbury .
52 Actor , Anthony Hopkins , explains that he jumped at the chance to play a part in the film .
53 Regan favours the quality of ‘ intrinsic value ’ , a concept that he treats at length .
54 But — and it 's this sort of complication that makes him I think such a remarkable man — although that did happen then , for the next ten , twelve years , he was entirely preoccupied , almost entirely preoccupied with something else , and this something else erm originates from the other revolution that he underwent at this time , a revolution that occurred after a visit to an international mathematical congress in Paris , where he met the Italian mathematician Peano .
55 The conditions were that he resides at Handley Green , Laindon , reports daily to Laindon police station and does not enter Clacton .
56 Erm one thing before we move on do you think there is a distinction or a difference between the outline agrarian land reform which is essentially 's creation , and the speech that he gives at the end of the conference ?
57 We can infer that George was in a restaurant , and that he sat at a table and looked at a menu .
58 A piece winged off and sliced a gash in Nick Day 's cheek , while Stewart Ross , diving sideways , pushed a man into the table that he sat at , dislodging drinks into his girlfriend 's lap .
59 He finds that he looks at the beggar intensely , as if he would like to know his life story , and smiles quite naturally .
60 erm but I also think , I also find him to be exceedingly critical of the figures that he looks at just like he was very critical of Woodrow Wilson .
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