Example sentences of "that it [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 The White House , critics argue , failed to follow up the bomb theory because of the risk that it would have posed to negotiations with Iran for the release of US hostages in Lebanon .
2 But , while he is of Le Patron Mange Ici school ( which always used to be the sign of a good restaurant ) , I ca n't see that it would have been particularly good for business here .
3 If the bias we have detected in broadcasting was not obvious to media specialists we can hardly expect that it would have been obvious to the general public .
4 The words were said with such good humour and aggressive sureness that it would have been impossible to take offence .
5 Even Moran had to admit it though he dismissed it as well by saying that it would have done well enough for the likes of him as it had been .
6 On reflection , the owner felt that it would have been better adopt the traditional method of ‘ tanking ’ the semi-basement lower floor with in situ asphalt .
7 McLeish decided it would be a waste of time to suggest that it would have hardly been reasonable for Angela Morgan to expect to inherit a quick fortune from a man of sixty-two .
8 Studies were put in hand to see whether it would be practicable to deploy Blue Streak in hardened underground silos in the Welsh mountains or the Scottish highlands , but the cost was found to be so great that it would have beggared the Defence Vote , making the restoration of more efficient conventional forces impossible .
9 The number of tau neutrinos created in the big bang can be worked out ; if they did not decay into other particles , and weighed 17 keV , then the universe would be more than 200 times heavier than it appears — so heavy that it would have collapsed in on itself in a big crunch eons ago .
10 He nevertheless maintained that it would have been irresponsible of him to have gone forward without warning colleagues of his reservations .
11 The thought crept into him that it would have been better if there had have been trees outside .
12 But part of the NCS programme is devoted to new materials , and Wood acknowledged that it would have to keep an eye open for new discoveries like the superconducting buckminsterfullerenes : ‘ synthetic chemists are almost certainly going to find new materials ’ .
13 If the animal lived on the sea bottom , it seems unlikely that it would have eye lenses specialized for looking downwards , and we begin to suspect that the animal habitually dwelt above the sea floor .
14 As the volume of water required for lockage of the existing traffic was 1,000,000 cubic feet only , it is obvious that it would have been more effective in the saving of water to reduce leakage rather than to concentrate on reducing the passage of water through locks — and much cheaper .
15 Poulter argues that it would have been inappropriate to have given all the principal religious traditions represented in Great Britain equal weight in the RE syllabus , since it would leave Christianity being reflected in just one-sixth of the course .
16 Even when it was clear that this would n't happen and that it would have to accumulate a special fund , especially for the future cost of ‘ decommissioning ’ the stations , the Board 's accounts showed a relatively small amount being set aside .
17 Johansson estimates that under such a plan Sweden would gain $40 for every tonne of carbon it does not produce that it would have produced under market forces alone .
18 The costs of the two plans are very different : Reddy calculates Karnataka would gain $3000 for each tonne of carbon it does not generate , that it would have under the LRPPP .
19 The intensely provincial , Catholic and Nationalist environment within which the DHAC operated was not conducive to its kind of class-based , quasi-Marxist political rhetoric which would , ten years earlier , probably have unleashed a backlash that it would have found difficult to survive ; even the mild leftism of Stephen McGonagle had in the past made him an object of suspicion among Derry Catholics .
20 The fact that it would have been tricky to die on a hill with more people around than at a Harrods sale , unless I 'd packed a gun and some razor blades , was irrelevant .
21 The invention of the mechanical clock probably occurred after 1277 , since if it had occurred earlier it is almost certain that it would have been included in Volume IV of the Libros del saber de astronomica .
22 He is saying that it would have been unlawful to honour the patient 's request , even if he had been willing to do so .
23 Some Slovenian bankers pointed out that it would have made better sense to have carried out a ‘ consolidation ’ , which would have preserved more of the assets of the firm than the policy of attacking it from all sides ( Politika , 1 October 1987 ) .
24 But I do n't think we had it or that it would have made any difference if we had . ’
25 I personally do believe that it would have been much better if ministers had had a number of discussions about the Falkland Islands in the period preceding the invasion of the Falklands by the Argentinians .
26 Before he died in 1811 , an opium-addicted pauper in Marylebone Workhouse , he may have reflected that it would have been better had he never left the low-lying fields of Huntspill .
27 Our respective manners proved so widely different , that it would have been quite presumptuous in me to do anything but separate from an undertaking upon which I could only have been a clog . ’
28 Everything was very hush-hush , and it was not until it was over that the name of the target was made common knowledge — not that it would have been of any interest to us if we had known beforehand , because none of us had ever heard of it .
29 She insisted that it would have to be a high predicted major tide .
30 There is no way of monitoring arms once they are sold , although I believe Contraves when it says that it would have to fit the latest equipment to any ship , and would not fit Argentinian ships .
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