Example sentences of "that i have just " in BNC.

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1 Then there is another point that I have just touched upon : if sin degrades and hardens us , then this will affect our emotional response anyway and make it even harder for the cross to be effective in inspiring us to change our way of living .
2 What I am saying is not that culling is necessarily the right thing , but that these are genuine detailed practicable problems which must not be dismissed , as if they were easy , by solutions of the kind that I have just suggested .
3 If you know that I have just bought an angora woollie at half price in a sale , it is unlikely that it came from Boots the chemist .
4 Q I recently saw a fish in my local shop that I have just got to have .
5 For this purpose I draw on a wide-ranging survey by John Lyons , which carries on naturally from the analysis by James Harris that I have just quoted .
6 This attitude to non-verbal communication has been encouraged by the popularisation of right-brain left-brain studies and amongst those who sponsor the soft primitivism that I have just referred to it is widely assumed that the verbal capabilities of the left cerebral hemisphere have been over-developed by a culture which puts too much emphasis on linguistic finesse and that the expressive repertoire of the supposedly holistic right hemisphere has been dangerously neglected as a consequence .
7 — and reference is made to the guidance , at p. 66 , that I have just read .
8 Despite their manifest differences , all five views that I have just sketched out are united in that none of them hangs or falls on the notion of critical abilities .
9 I shall be returning to these topics below , but at this stage it should be stressed again that the rather more re fined and flexible view of literariness that I have just outlined was derived from the founding principles of Formalism .
10 The right hon. Gentleman , who was a Treasury Minister throughout the lifetime of the Labour Government , will appreciate that figures such as those that I have just disclosed to the House would have been regarded as a complete impossibility in his time .
11 The answer to the hon. Gentleman 's question about the Ministry is the one that I have just given .
12 It certainly has no basis in the figures that I have just given him in answer to his question .
13 May I draw the Economic Secretary 's attention to a study that I have just received from the House of Commons Library 's statistical section ?
14 Neither of us could claim that those exchanges have been free of the features that I have just identified .
15 The hon. Gentleman is seeking to disguise the fact that under the Government in which he served the quality of service under the headings that I have just listed was vastly inferior to the quality of service provided under this Government .
16 I am delighted to be able to say that I have just received notice from the Department of the Environment that Chorley is to be allocated an additional amount for doing up old housing — nearly £0.25 million .
17 — as it takes into account the point that I have just made .
18 This runs into similar problems to the all-or-none assumptions about sensory matching that I have just discussed .
19 And again there will be the same erm circumstances that I have just been describing for other people applying here .
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