Example sentences of "that i was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I had n't deserted my first love , the Salcombe yawl Lisa , but she lived in my home in South Devon , and now that I was officially attached to Sir Edmund Pusey 's Police Liaison Group at the Home Office I had to live in London , and the Crouch was much more accessible .
2 The result was that I was painfully shy .
3 The fact that I was where I was might be highly unlikely ; that did not make his being there any more likely .
4 ‘ My only excuse is that I was pretty exhausted after my stay in the Middle East , and not totally reorientated after being awakened after such a short sleep .
5 I made the discovery , on moving to a country home with large , temperamental wood-burning stoves , that I was woefully ill-educated in the lighting and management of fires .
6 After a while , the feeling that I was completely alone in the world became less frightening .
7 I climbed on to the window-seat and drew the curtains , so that I was completely hidden .
8 I confess that I was completely hooked on Lincoln 's work , but like most other people I could not agree with his conclusions or refute them as I had no knowledge of Rennes-le-Chateau , its area or history .
9 I woke up in the middle of the night to find that I was completely and utterly saturated .
10 That 's a compliment , of course , but it did n't happen just because I was tall or that I was particularly athletic .
11 because other things , oh one other thing that I was particularly keen that was taken into consideration is applications for training .
12 I was the only one that picked that up , that I was incorrectly spelt
13 I had once given a few lessons to a nun at a convent not far from where I lived , so that I was slightly known there .
14 Richard seemed to me to have changed so much , become humourless and uncertain-tempered , a family man who grumbled because his socks were not mended and his shirts not ironed properly , so that I was slightly nervous of him and also resentful : I felt that I had become , in his eyes , so much a wife , that he would see my new involvement as a nice occupation for me , like embroidery or dressmaking .
15 I was aware that I was slightly breathless .
16 The worst bit was coming over the runway for the landing when I felt that I was no longer in control , but he made a perfect landing … a great landing for anyone , but incredible for someone who had never flown before . ’
17 Both our stomachs were set ; a tiny trickle of blood on the sheet confirmed what I had not noticed : that I was no longer a virgin .
18 I can only guess that by then he had so established himself in my mind as a man who was trying to help women that I was no longer objective .
19 Then I felt my fear and unhappiness disappear , as I knew that I was no longer alone in my responsibility for Sir Henry .
20 I do n't know when when you got this , at that time it was correct that I was no longer working , that I 'd finished working for as it says here er Bill theatrical company on the fourth of September .
21 I just signed forms to say that I was no longer responsible or had any claim on the property or whatever .
22 So I went to a designer , Denise Vaughan of Deni Vee , and she made me a couple of suits which really pleased me and I believed that I was on to something .
23 Mrs Williams was at the time the most popular women in the world , after Mother Teresa , and it occurred to me , rather too late , that I was on to a loser here .
24 I would , I would have to be absolutely honest and that and er I would n't exclude myself from that particular er way of thinking because when they moved in , when you got a time for a job , erm for example there was one particular job that I was on erm and I thought that I was doing it reasonable accurately and rapidly , erm and they wanted to introduce a new fixture so that you know , I could do the whole series of faces on it .
25 And erm the I , I ca n't remember er oh I think most of the work up there that I was on , we were doing different jobs in the mill , like er when very too when the mills were closed at the holidays , we , we used to go up and work in some of the mills .
26 And I wanted a particular tape , oh I know it was a tape I 'd heard a coach driver using on the er on a coach trip that I was on so I got to know what it was erm and er I went round the usual shops no joy
27 But I did n't because I quickly discovered that I was even more fundamentally opposed to unnecessary pain — and resorted to an epidural anaesthetic .
28 ‘ I was n't aware that I was here for your entertainment .
29 ‘ as if nothing that I 'd ever done mattered , only that I was here , part of the earth , at one with it , as they say .
30 ‘ Jones and Nicky Kai were leaving the building when I arrived this evening , and as Jones seemed to imagine that I was here to call on him I simply explained that you were the object of my presence . ’
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