Example sentences of "that i could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well , Mrs. Jewkes , if it were not for the thought of that cursed parson I believe in my heart , so great is my weakness , that I could yet forgive this intriguing little slut and take her to my bosom .
2 I could not write anything here yesterday because I was too desolate at the thought that I could hot come and talk to you .
3 But when she came up to me after that third seminar I was so shocked and embarrassed that I could barely speak .
4 One thing I can remember about that evening was that I could n't eat anything .
5 However , this sensation evaporated as soon as I looked out of the window , when I realized how imprisoned I was by my ignorance , which Aisha seized upon , exploiting the fact that I did n't know how to flush the toilet , work the shower , turn on the oven or boil the electric kettle to make tea , and that I could n't understand what her older child or her next-door neighbour said .
6 Perhaps I could have freeclimbed it , but the problem was that I could n't predict the pockets and I would n't have found out until it was too late to avoid a monster fall .
7 The classical piece Cale always claimed was in him never emerged , mainly because the showman in him would n't let it go : ‘ there was just so much chaos going on , in my personal and creative life , that I could n't finish …
8 This meant that I could n't lead my own life at all ; when I complained about this to my husband he laughed it off .
9 He seemed so pleased with himself that I could n't help saying that I should mind them very much myself but that I had no objection to his wearing them — a view which I believed surprised him .
10 I said that I could n't fault their prices , but asked what would happen if I did n't pay .
11 She was so worried and scared of me that I could n't reward her when she did something right and , obviously , telling her off was out of the question .
12 They did n't know what he was so excited about , and his father was disgusted to find that I could n't draw a footballer ( an unKerridgean species ) .
13 It was n't only that I could n't lift myself off the ground but that I was stuck to it in some way .
14 I felt that I could n't endure any more .
15 And I was told that he was going to die shortly , and that if I wished , the measures that they were using with the respirator could be removed at my request , because he was in a terminal stage ; it was just a matter of time , and I really felt that I could n't make that decision myself .
16 The next few gybes were the first I had ever done with speed all the way through the turn , in fact , it happened so quickly that I could n't change the rig fast enough — so then I had to work on the rig change .
17 I replied that I could n't dance .
18 Jennie called me into the office and said that I could n't go as she had received a letter from my mother .
19 That I could n't possibly two-time you , of course , ’ Paula said , watching Sally slyly .
20 Born in May 1964 , Bustin , ‘ grew up with the idea that I could n't be an artist , since , one , I was n't male , and two , I was n't mad ! ’
21 ‘ I also found that I could n't sit down properly , ’ says Otis .
22 ‘ After another family tragedy , I realised that I could n't shut myself off for ever , so I started attending the Circle meetings again .
23 It took me some time to work this out , for I still had such sympathy for Charlie that I could n't look at him coolly .
24 They still played sickening games that I could n't avoid , like putting sperm on each other 's nose and calling one another Merkin and Muffin , for God 's sake .
25 However , due to a lack of refinements such as a truss rod , the neck was so warped that I could n't put any frets on it , and so I was introduced to the world of fretless bass at an early age … ’
26 ‘ I was so nervous and fatigued that I could n't concentrate .
27 I was stricken with a love so vast that I could n't find the edges .
28 I have to face the fact that , now we have a mortgage and want to start a family , I 'll never enjoy the year off travelling that I could n't afford before university .
29 Before my first evening class in English I was no nervous that I could n't eat !
30 I was so disappointed that I could n't speak at the final whistle . ’
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