Example sentences of "that have [adv] just " in BNC.

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1 The group found themselves part of a movement called ‘ Shambling ’ , which was largely a reaction to the po-faced stance of goth that had only just entered its coffin .
2 We allowed our gaze to wander south until it lighted upon the bulk of Ancohuma 's eastern slopes , a face we knew nothing of on a mountain that had only just entered our lives .
3 Leaving his cry wafting after him , he disappeared in pursuit of a housemaid who was busily removing all the clean antimacassars that had only just been placed lovingly in position for the oil-bedaubed heads that would shortly be resting on them .
4 That Fran had no intention of doing just that had only just struck him , and he did n't like it one little bit !
5 That way , you wo n't feel too badly about picking flowers that have only just opened , and the rest of your garden will be left in all its glory .
6 It 's a new one that 's only just been around for the last fifty years .
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