Example sentences of "that a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having been a mathematician in the years gone by , I was amazed at the audacity of the polling companies to state that a sample of 1,000 voters was representative plus or minus three percent of a total electorate of some 43½ million .
2 I estimated that a sample of one in 12 night visits performed by general practitioners in Berkshire in the year beginning 1 July 1991 would provide details of about 2000 visits .
3 The problem then arises that a sample of such size , or indeed any large plot , will mask any microtopographical diversity in the forest and thus any local species assemblages under particular microenvironmental conditions .
4 Pierson ( 1981 ) suggested that a sample with the brightest observed luminescence be kept in the chamber and used as a reference against which the intensity of other sample areas could be less arbitrarily judged .
5 It duly approached the Educational Research Centre of the Essex Institute of Higher Education with the suggestion that a proposal for funding be made to the British Library Research and Development Department ( BLR&DD ) .
6 Press reports said that a proposal for joint sovereignty over Gibraltar was discussed , but there was no official confirmation .
7 The procedure envisaged is that a proposal in the social policy area would first be submitted to the Council of the twelve member states .
8 As recently as fifty years ago Hitler ordered that a statue of Sir Francis Drake at Offenburg be razed to the ground because he was holding a potato plant .
9 He also warned that a slowdown in money supply growth this summer could threaten the recovery at just the wrong moment .
10 It was here , under a straggle of dwarf oaks and rowans that a troupe of elderly walkers had decided to halt for their feed .
11 STC IDEC LIMITED has an open management style and , as a result , most employees were aware that a consolidation of activities was going to take place but that there were no suitable local premises which the company could take over .
12 It is however true that a depreciation in share values will be of concern to management , because of possible repercussions in the market for corporate control .
13 SPAR is sensitive to different degrees of referential success , in that a reference to a focused entity is deemed to be more ‘ successful ’ than a reference to an unfocused one .
14 I consider in the light of the foregoing that a reference to the objectives of the Community system of quotas can not be used to justify national rules on the registration of fishing vessels , even if those rules were applicable only to vessels intended to fish for species subject to quotas .
15 The other reason we claim so often to be arguing about a matter of principle is that there is so little substance in many arguments that a reference to principle is necessary in order to sustain the argument .
16 The articles or the agreement may say that a reference to the auditors has to take place in every instance ; in other cases a reference is necessary only if there is a dispute .
17 From this it may be judged that the Chauncys had been friends of the Blencowe family , and that a reference from Susanna Jennens carried weight with them .
18 England were due to meet Wales in the final match of the round robin series today knowing that a share of the honours would give them the crown .
19 In order to preserve modularity , this power could not , of course , extend to repairing the modules themselves , for that is just the sort of tinkering that a principle of modularity would rule out .
20 ‘ Two years ago the Government ruled that a budget of £22.3m was reasonable for this council , ’ he said .
21 They asked her what had happened , and she said that a rusalka from the lake had hurt Viktor .
22 Nuadu thought that a glitter of amusement showed from within the folds of the hood .
23 I 'm absolutely sure that a chat with him would help you .
24 On waste , Yeo stated that a levy on landfill waste would encourage waste producers to move away from landfill and towards other methods of disposal , including recycling .
25 The Chancellor said that the tax rate followed clear indications from the Government that a levy on the lottery would be imposed , but , he added , there would be no tax on winnings .
26 According to the narrator , Patrick is ‘ so far from being anti-semitic that a couple of his best friends really were Jews ’ ( but who can these two best friends be — can Ormerod , unmentioned in the later novel , be one ? ) .
27 This commitment to materialism means that a couple of standard dualist objections must be faced .
28 If the girls do not appear to have an even average awareness of culture — a friend said that a couple of years ago Zsuzsa had never heard of
29 In 1979 I had built a small wind-up lectern for table-top use and followed that a couple of years later with a full-size floor-standing lectern that operates hydraulically .
30 I made sure that a couple of books were left at home so that there was more room .
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