Example sentences of "that be often [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 A familiar example of interference in the case of light is the colors that are often seen in soap bubbles .
2 It is unfortunate , therefore , that launching such trials can be a lengthy affair because of protracted discussions on ethical issues that are often misunderstood .
3 This slant on the topic has been deliberate , in order to draw out connections that are often ignored or , if they are recognised , swept aside as too uncomfortable to contemplate .
4 After all , despite the joys of companionship , in any close relationship there is usually the debit side , the compromises and sacrifices that are often made to fit in with another person 's wishes and way of life .
5 According to Wells , the data from his research contradicts crude generalizations that are often made about some children as being ‘ deprived at home ’ of those language experiences that will prepare them for schooling , and assumptions that the school is a ‘ rich language environment ’ .
6 The systems approach is now explicitly used in biogeography and Simmons ( 1978 ) , for example , in discussion of the ecosystem scale distinguishes two approaches that are often made : one which is synoptic and develops from intuitive perception of an ecosystem to studies of ecological cohesion including , where relevant , the significance of human activity ; and another approach which is more analytical whereby measurements are made of the flow and partitioning of energy through the ecosystem and of the cycles of mineral nutrients within the system .
7 The difficult ethical issues that are often raised by screening programmes will also be grasped .
8 Kundera asks us to join together two things that are often kept apart : lyrical effusions and public poetry .
9 Questions that are often asked about networks of this type are : what is the fastest route from A to B ?
10 Radio , television and films project images of sophisticated living that are often presented as being available to all who work hard enough .
11 The second section of the reader outlines some of the diverse phenomena that are often lumped together and explained by the single category of racism .
12 To the adult mind , the shifts of logic that are often involved do not come easily ; but children accustomed to personification in fairy tales , or to the surreal and fantastic , can accommodate elephants who do house-work , or noisy peanuts , and the occasional Dali-esque touch : What is soft and yellow and goes round and round ?
13 I would like to test the perception question by looking at two ideas that are often debated : the rotation of auditors and the provision of non-audit services by auditors .
14 But it is not only the general practice units that are often mismanaged .
15 As a result historians have developed a stock of general labels that are often used for convenience .
16 Life , as it is lived in classrooms and on the terraces , has almost none of the characteristics of anarchy and impulsiveness that are often attributed to it .
17 Manufacturing — Two typical constraints that are often experienced in manufacturing industry are shortages of particular labour skills and space for machinery .
18 Dabs , flounder and whiting are three species that are often caught in great numbers from the shore yet often fail to make the measure .
19 Nevertheless , it is the economic change in rural areas , and especially the decline in agricultural employment , that are often stressed as root causes of depopulation ( Drudy and Wallace 1971 ) .
21 The third section offers a critical exploration of possible starting points for new strategies , not least by looking anew at some of the difficult and resilient questions about cultural identity and belongingness , about ethnicity and community , that were often glossed over or disavowed in the antiracist movement .
22 The programme aims to stimulate the children to find out the truth about Jesus through the eyes of His enemies , the Pharisees and the ‘ secret agents ’ that were often sent out to investigate and police His teaching and activities .
23 They are thought to have evolved these tails , lacking in all Old World monkeys , because they needed an extra ‘ hand ’ to cope with life in forests that were often flooded .
24 The primitive valuables involved in such exchanges were neither money nor cash , but items that were often spent in political and social spheres of activity to form alliances in peacetime and during war , as well as compensation for death and bridewealth .
25 Memoranda made concrete and factual — real , as the world understands it — — operations that were often meant to stay in the world of abstraction ; schemes that Congress , and most members of the government , were not supposed to have the slightest inkling of .
26 Most of these courses are too short , merely providing the beginnings of a new competence or a new viewpoint that is often swept away when people return to their hectic routines .
27 The fear that is often expressed is that these new forms of cultivation will result in soil conditions analogous to the Oklahoma ‘ Dust Bowl ’ of the 1930s .
28 In two weeks he transmitted an answer to the Royal Society in a paper that is often cited as a prime example of the scientific method .
29 Because of this fundamental difference it is difficult to know whether we can rely on information about contemporaries to tell us about prehistoric peoples in the way that is often done still today and was done universally in Marx 's and Engels 's time .
30 Insomnia is a common complaint in which the sufferer has poor sleep that is often broken many times during the course of the night .
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