Example sentences of "that the [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone .
2 He knows that the knickers I wear when I sit in the saddle are not the smartest articles of underwear in my wardrobe .
3 Sir , — Nine years ago I volunteered my services as a school governor , believing that the expertise I could offer would be helpful to headteacher , staff and pupils .
4 It so happened that the firm I had been working for ( manufacturers of rubber-coats , ground-sheets , etc. ) had closed down the Glasgow Office and factory , and I was without work .
5 Had I read the brochure carefully I would have realised that the experience I was heading for was anything but tedious !
6 I suppose I wan na be a bit careful that the experience I get is n't too specialist as well .
7 As happens in any new venture , I discovered that the hours I had to put in at the beginning seemed to outnumber those available in any day .
8 I should be grateful if you would confirm that the changes I have marked are the only ones necessary .
9 The first was that the time-shock I had suffered was inducing some highly life-like illusions .
10 Still , I feel that I must n't die without making sure that the style I can hear inside my head comes roaring out and drowns the cries of parrots and cicadas . ’
11 ‘ I wish to impress on you that the rules I made in London still stand .
12 My resolve not to go back into education hardened , if anything , rather than softened , as I became more and more determined that the sacrifice I had made was not going to be in vain .
13 When originally designed , it was decided that the RISC I should execute one instruction per cycle , all instructions should be the same size , only load and store instructions would access memory , the rest would operate between registers , and that RISC I would be designed specifically with high-level languages in mind .
14 Yes , I do believe in trying to persuade people that the things I believe in are the things they should follow …
15 It 's taken me about a year to realize that the things I put down do n't actually disappear of their own accord .
16 What made this interesting is that the company I work for has considerable knowledge in this area .
17 The File Manager obligingly scans the entire disk and lists all the files beginning with Q. I can see that the ones I want have been installed under D : \WINDOWS\QUOTE , and I can use the File Manager to look at them .
18 I told my father I was trying to get them over to the far side , to the mainland , and that the ones I had to bury , the ones which fell short , were victims of scientific research , but I doubt I really needed this excuse , my father never seemed bothered about the suffering of lower forms of life , despite having been a hippy , and perhaps because of his medical training .
19 So that the bill I would es estimate , if you have a solicitor as executor would be the same as if you had a private person as ex as executor who went to see that solicitor .
20 The maxim that man learns nothing from history is often proved true that the bill I said shows the government learning from history .
21 It 's just that the software I think I need to use has grown — as it always will — to fill the available space .
22 It was interesting to find out that the work I was doing actually suited my 10K needs . ’
23 By the autumn of 1989 I could see that the work I was planning more breeding and lecturing , was going to get very costly .
24 The letter said that the work I was doing with barn owls was very worthwhile and deserving , and the Trust wished to publicise it further with my permission .
25 It seems that the work I do takes so much of what is essential in me that there is nothing left .
26 I judged from the area occupied by this edifice that the apartment I wanted would be on the second floor .
27 It was then that I saw that the folder I 'd left on the coffee table was gone .
28 However , I should perhaps make it clear that the position I have outlined is a very extreme form of inductivism .
29 I swear by almighty God that the evidence I shall give is shall be truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth .
30 I swear to almighty god that the evidence I shall give in this court shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth .
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