Example sentences of "that [be] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Panels of reflective foil fitted behind radiators that are mounted on external walls will reflect back heat which would otherwise be lost through the masonry to the outside air .
2 George Swift , Axminster Weaver and Heather Dunne , Creeler , inspect the vast array of coloured yarns that are mounted on a frame ( a creel ) behind the loom .
3 Kevin Scully , senior vice-president of Global Systems and Technology , says : ‘ What we have can be described as a centralised database with applications that are decentralised on a global basis .
4 The back feet and diagonal members have these compound curves , produced by making jig templates that are secured on both sides of the component and guided by corresponding bearing that sit on top and below the cutter block .
5 Most importantly the heads can contain terms that are binding on the vendor and purchaser .
6 Any aggressive actions against the USSR , the Soviet Government promised , would meet ‘ a retaliatory blow at the aggressor , including the bases of the aggressor that are situated on foreign soil ’ .
7 Many cuisines that are based on grains and pulses make extensive use of a wide range of spices to flavour their foods and this can clearly be seen in Indian and Far Eastern cookery .
8 There is a feeling that they need to develop educational approaches that are based on indigenous conceptions of social service rather than Western urban industrial models and that they should be seeking ways of maximizing the contribution of front-line personnel , either through the direct provision of training or by teaching their graduates how to train and make optimum use of front-line workers ( University Grants Commission , 1980 ; Siddiqui , 1984 ) .
9 This is a general danger or problem with theories that are based on a consensus view of society — a view that society is held together by common values , shared by all .
10 The transition from exploitation to management is , however , underpinned by a change in economic attitudes , from those that are based on short-term high returns to those that recognise the need for sustainability in order to achieve long-term ongoing returns .
11 Secondly , it will develop intellectual structures in a young mind that are based on a feeling for , or an intuitive grasp of mathematical concepts .
12 Are Christians being drawn into practices that are unbiblical if they use methods that are based on paganism ?
13 It might be imprudent to attach strong significance to compositional variations that are based on relatively few data , particularly when the trends identified occur in diagrams for which mixing curves are not necessarily linear ( Figs 1–3 ) .
14 This means that they should use data that are based on people and defined events .
15 This difficulty in drawing a line between those decisions that are based on expertise and those that are influenced by personal or other non-corporate considerations means that we become suspicious of legal argument .
16 They rely on hunches that are based on their cravings rather than on hard facts .
17 In this respect , therefore , our work conforms to the general principles of Labov 's work and is not comparable with studies ( experimental or otherwise ) that are based on the language of , for example , RP-speaking or near RP-speaking persons from amongst the analyst 's own university students .
18 We are now discussing treaties that are based on three or four separate pillars .
19 Current powers do not allow for searches that are based on a policeman 's hunch that someone may be carrying an illicit article , or for blanket searches that are carried out in a particular area or among particular groups .
20 Alison Dalwood Paintings 1991–1992 Bede Gallery , Jarrow ( Until May 15 ) ALISON Dalwood uses her trademark whorls of paint to good effect in a brace of vertical compositions on the end wall here that are based on reflections in a River .
21 Now if parents , through playing games with their children that are based on words , could alert the child to the fact that print is a convention and that we can translate print into reality , obviously not as abstract as that , but just get the child used to knowing what print is , knowing what reading is , so that perhaps when they go to school they may well know this is a skill that they do n't have , like they do n't know , perhaps , how to ride a bike , they may not know how to swim , they certainly do n't know how to drive a car , but they do know what sort of a thing driving a car is .
22 Now if parents , through playing games with their children that are based on words , could alert the child to the fact that print is a convention and that we can translate print into reality , obviously not as abstract as that , but just get the child used to knowing what print is , knowing what reading is , so that perhaps when they go to school they may well know this is a skill that they do n't have , like they do n't know , perhaps , how to ride a bike , they may not know how to swim , they certainly do n't know how to drive a car , but they do know what sort of a thing driving a car is .
23 Let us look at the various yarns that are spun on cones .
24 ‘ Perhaps I do n't respond to challenges that are imposed on me by others ! ’
25 Paid political advertising on television is not allowed : each party is allocated a set number of 10-minute party political broadcasts that are transmitted on all television channels .
26 The effective pollinators are a pair of Epicharis spp. but there are glandular trichomes inside the corolla , secreting oils that are deposited on the anthers , but this is collected only by Trigona pallens , an ineffective pollinator .
27 Sherlock consists of two green boxes that are positioned on the river bank .
28 The other important point to remember about wall tiles is that spacer lugs are no more , and the old-fashioned types that are rounded on one ( RE ) or two ( REX ) edges , used to finish off the perimeter of half-tiled areas , have virtually disappeared too .
29 Paths could then be continued from all new short words that are stored on the word graph .
30 A GIS stores both cartographic data ( showing topography or individual themes such as soils or geology ) and attribute data associated with the spatial entities ( points , lines and polygons ) that are represented on the maps .
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