Example sentences of "that [be] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 MOST spiders weave webs that are all but invisible , but some species include a very conspicuous broad band of silk across the middle of the web .
2 Some short-haired breeds have guard hairs that are less than 2 inches in length , sparse awn hairs and no down hairs .
3 We also showed that grade two do significantly better than grade three , but most importantly perhaps is that we showed that patients with a vascular count that are less than twenty one do significantly better than patients with a vascular count of greater or equal to twenty one .
4 And can you tell me anything about the materials that are actually cos they do n't
5 I think it should be remembered that that public support actually was against a requirement of one thousand nine hundred dwellings , which is not quite the proposal being put forward by the County at the moment , but it is clear that there seems to me n not to be any public or great strength of public objection to the sort of proposals that are now before you in this enquiry , and it also seems to me that the reasons behind erm that that public support are essentially because it meets the first requirement of paragraph P P G thirty three , that the alternative expansion of existing towns or villages will represent a less satisfactory method of providing land for new housing that is needed , I think that is the essence of the public support , and so first of I think you can say that that 's that means that first criteria , and certainly it seems to meet the second automatically because it an expression of public preference .
6 So , while the GLC estimates that there are almost one million houses in London that are more than 70 years old and in need of modernisation , councils are having to give top priority to repairing more modern buildings .
7 We regret that we can not provide data or answer queries on articles or projects that are more than five years old .
8 We regret that we can not provide data or answer queries on projects that are more than five years old .
9 We regret that we can not provide data or answer queries on articles or projects that are more than five years old .
10 We regret that we can not provide data or answer queries on projects that are more than five years old .
11 With projects that are more than ten years old you should give a lot of thought to the problems involved , and then decide to build something from the current issue of Everyday Electronics instead !
12 Environmental regulation has focused on other forms of pollution ; only a third of air pollution expenditure goes on removing particles and most of this is spent on catching larger particles , those that are more than 10 microns in diameter .
13 Two years ago , however , the Department of the Environment at last began the listing of post-war buildings in England that were more than 30 years old .
14 When late in 1972 Richard Leakey announced he had dug up the skull , thighbone , and parts of the lower leg of a human that were more than 2 ½ million years old , thus , if correct , disproving man 's direct descent from Australopithecus , many anthropologists seated in leather armchairs in universities not immediately adjacent to East Africa swiftly challenged Leakey 's conclusions , this despite the fact that they had not examined the bones in question , the strata in and near which they had been found , the animal bones found in the same strata , or indeed anything .
15 Two of the patients with idiopathic DU had , however , serum pepsinogen I values that were more than 50% higher than the highest value of all the other groups studied ( Table 2 ) .
16 All utterances that were more than 10 words in length were broken down into clauses of less than 10 words thereby producing a total of 115 utterances with an average of 7.07 words and 26.56 phonemes per utterance .
17 All the animals that were out when it flooded had been taken inside the house and the furniture in the house was on bricks .
18 Hence Dahl argues against Walker that ‘ he insists upon interpreting as if they were normative or deontological certain writings that were mainly if not wholly intended to set out descriptive empirical theories ’ .
19 Ferguson admitted : ‘ We showed a wee bit of nervousness in the first half , the sort of anxieties that were there when we were three down against Everton . ’
20 Sparks flew from his eyes that were suddenly as black and threatening as thunder .
21 In front of most of the stars that were less than 1000 light years away Welsh found no neutral sodium gas .
22 Incubation with 1 4 C glutamine in the absence of mucosal biopsy specimens gave results that were less than 5% of the values obtained when a biopsy specimen was present .
23 He caught a good couple of pounds of roach on ledgered casters from bites that were all but invisible .
24 In certain transactions one might be requested to accept a root of title that is less than 15 years old or a document other than a mortgage , or a conveyance on sale as the root deed .
25 But of the winners only 2 per cent are shown to be better off by £2 a week , whereas 39 per cent of losers will be asked to pay a local poll tax that is more than £2 above their then current rate contribution ( Poll Tax Facts , no. 9 , Local Government Information Unit , 1988 ) .
26 And for the biologists again if er if you look at the capillaries in the body , there is no cell in the body requiring a blood supply that is more than one fortieth of a millimetre away from a capillary .
27 we go for the one that is seldom if ever guilty of rape .
28 First , if the foregoing appears to ignore questions of democracy within the enterprise that is only because of the order of exposition .
29 It seems to me that the problem is coming from the front off side spring settling 15mm more than the rear-Being someone who hates anything that 's not as it should be , it is driving me crackers .
30 Typically we use the rule of thumb to statistical significance so if we have a T ratio that 's less than two
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