Example sentences of "that [pron] do have " in BNC.

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1 My inheritance from those years is the belief maintained with some difficulty , that I do have a right to the earth .
2 It 's cheered me up no end to be reminded that I do have work and a brain and something to do when I 'm allowed up again . ’
3 However , the problem is that , if this is true , there is nothing whatever that I , in my capacity as a subject of experiences , can coherently and unequivocally say about myself as a corporeal subject ( not even that I do have a body ) ; and hence that , strictly speaking , the theory itself can not be clearly stated !
4 er comment about erm the chap not getting any any work , erm I think I can attribute most of my work to the fact that I do have a bald head .
5 My Lord I can tell you that I do have a copy for the jury if your Lordship thinks .
6 The most important thing in socialising is that you make the time and spend the effort to keep those friends that you do have .
7 Well , Mr. Bolton , I am not really certain that you DO have a problem !
8 Erm anybody who 's who 's interested erm if you 'd like to ask for a leaflet aft at the end of the session because the main thing is that you do have to take advantage of this while you are still employed in reckonable service .
9 ‘ In fact it 's quite a good position to be in , ’ she says , ‘ in that you do have a lot of control over your future .
10 Are you saying now that you do have them ?
11 No no er erm well er there is Prunus that 's a plum I mean a cherry that grows up and various ones like that the only trouble is with these type of things they can be more of a nuisance than the trees that you do have now because those trees growing up those spindly ones as you put it erm some gardeners call them or whatever name they use I but the trouble is bits die in the centre of those and they tend to drop down and they can be in time more far more of a nuisance than the trees they 've got now which seems to me quite suitable .
12 But f f f for many people Judy I mean th people will look to you with some degree of er of admiration and maybe some degree of of envy that you do have that strong faith that 's that 's helped you through those times .
13 No not just now , no that 's alright , it was just er it 's , it 's important that you do have
14 One thing really is erm absolutely essential is that you do have a consistent and uniform marketing plan .
15 Yes good , cos everything that we do has to be very careful recorded and taking the photographs and doing the the drawings and sketches that 's one of the ways of recording .
16 And it 's the evidence that a you 've got to produce to say that I 've got to demonstrate that the training that we do has objectives , so that they can go back and say to Cynthia , you went on that course in whatever , what were the objectives for it ?
17 It seems that we do have some rights after all !
18 ‘ We should emphasise that we do have opinions on what is happening , but in my place as an official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs I can not go into comments without having all-inclusive information and orders in that regard . ’
19 Noting that we do have many ideas and beliefs , he asks what is perhaps the most basic question of epistemology : ‘ How comes … [ the mind ] to be furnished ?
20 Though Locke does allow the possibility that matter might think , he tends to the view that we do have immaterial minds ; and for him there certainly is an immaterial God .
21 It is , indeed , true that we do have no ‘ idea ’ of spirit .
22 What I hope to have shown , which is consistent with a certain tentativeness about what has been said , and with incompleteness , is that we do have a grasp of both dependent and independent conditionals , which grasp can be clarified and which gives to us an explicit understanding of the seven causal connections that were set out .
23 products and I think we all agree that we do have a responsibility to protect children .
24 For , surely , once it is realised that all that we do have and can rely upon are series of perceptions and ideas , it becomes clear that there can be no justification for assuming the existence of any such metaphysical " substrata " , and the whole doctrine of substance falls to the ground .
25 Er you 'll find that we do have actually have a calculator which we can send out with a retirement pack and that actually gives you an aide-memoire to actually remind you about the things that you might forget erm with regard to erm things like er holidays er erm say , medical expenses , er fuel expenses , erm club fees , T V licence , all those things .
26 And my own feeling about this is that we do have to move more to planned expansion .
27 Erm that the time has now come to accept that we do have to do the same things and it has to be in black and white and it has to be E E C wide .
28 That 's something that we do have to work on and I ca n't emphasize it too strongly .
29 He must appreciate that we do have a mixed public-transport and roads programme .
30 Thank God that we do have regional diversity and differences , but if we are not careful , if we pursue regionalist policies it will lead to a break-up of England .
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