Example sentences of "that [pron] will be " in BNC.

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1 It is not just that dealing with Old Age Pensioners who have reported missing budgies falls outside the definition of what counts as ‘ real ’ police work , the work is also disliked because it is problematic , for policemen need to display competence in the way they convey sympathy while admitting that nothing will be done .
2 We have all felt the frustration of dealing with institutions and bureaucracy — receiving the institutional brush off , the failure to generate a spark of interest or concern , knowing that nothing will be done and nothing change in response to your grievance .
3 Well , we attempt to give the answers this week , albeit in the full knowledge that nothing will be done because no one in authority takes the matter seriously .
4 I thank my hon. Friend , and give to the House the absolute commitment that nothing will be done on Rathlin island without the fullest possible co-operation with all the islanders and their association .
5 However , it is worth noting that this task of leading housegroups is one of the most difficult in the whole church and it should not be assumed that everyone will be able to do it .
6 They 've created a vibe that everyone will be influenced by . ’
7 Thanks to the camcorder , Andy Warhol 's prediction that everyone will be famous seems more of a possibility than ever before .
8 Agencies are run on the assumption that everyone will be prepared to work overtime , willingly .
9 The more infected the water , the more likely it is that everyone will be hit by an epidemic of cholera or some other disease .
10 He assumes that Nick is , you people are rearranging my genes , so that everyone will be like everyone else .
11 The trustees say they are now ’ cautiously optimistic ’ that everyone will be paid in full .
12 Before the patients go back to the ward , they will pat their faces back into place and often ask for reassurance that no-one will be told .
13 Indeed , the data from patients with brain injury that I will be discussing in the final two sections are very puzzling indeed from the standpoint of folk psychology .
14 I lie still hoping that I will be able to fall back to sleep , but knowing it is a waste of time .
15 I sincerely hope that it has been picked up by accident and that I will be re-united with it soon , as I find it hard to believe that such an incident could lead to its deliberate theft .
16 Should the weather be unkind , or fish reluctant to rise , then I am sure that I will be able to find plenty of other sea-borne activities to keep me fully occupied ; and , hopefully , merrily amused .
17 Not that I will be changing anything in the immediate area of the shelf at the base of which the bait lies , but I thought it better to give the carp a profound liking for the swim before even one stalk of rush or one lily pad was removed .
18 please would you tell Bill I will not be staying at the same hotel as the owners , and that I will again not be going to the president 's lunch , but that I will be at the races , even if he does n't see me . ’
19 The anxiety that I will be caught out on the hustings by a clever swine in a corduroy jacket asking ‘ What is the current rate of child benefit ? ’ is one which is shared by all those rash enough to offer themselves for election .
20 ‘ A FEW hours ago I discharged my last duty as the heir to the throne and now that I will be succeeded by my son , Prince William , my first words must be to declare my allegiance to him .
21 And the fact that I will be playing under him as captain on an England tour for the first time will not stop me having dinner and drinking with him most nights .
22 Recently I have spoken to three senior academic clinicians and they have told me that I will be snapped up .
23 Now that I will be comparatively close to Salford , perhaps I can pop in and enjoy your activities .
24 then this apparently gratuitous belief makes it the case again that I know that I will be given a lift .
25 ‘ I warn you that I will take steps to prevent you ’ or ‘ I promise that I will be there on time ’ .
26 It 's the same common fear that I will fall apart , physically and emotionally , that I will be reduced to a pile of tattered pulp , that I will never be loved by anyone , that I will fail , like … like — ’
27 I am pleased that I will be working even more closely with Carmen , whose expertise and uncompromising literary tastes I so greatly admire . ’
28 ‘ But they have long since vanished from Ireland , Fergus , and it may be that I will be the last Queen to have seen them and heard them .
29 For my first as I put down in my erm blurb before , will be to meet you in small or large groups throughout the Euro constituency , and see what you can do to help me and to convince you erm that I will be a a good campaign leader , a good candidate .
30 ‘ Well , ’ said Ratagan , ‘ for the next day or two it seems hardly likely that I will be wetting my throat at all , so perhaps it is just as well I indulged in a draught or three last night . ’
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