Example sentences of "that [pron] had not " in BNC.

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1 I pointed out that I had not been to the polytechnic , but had been to Durham University on a scholarship — only the second the force had been awarded .
2 It had just crossed my mind that I had not had my boots off since the evening of the 4th June and it was now 8th June .
3 I told the conference that I had not come into politics to preside over the destruction of the National Health Service and repeated the Government 's commitment to it .
4 When I was pregnant , and we did not have this constantly changing situation of togetherness and separation , my husband complained that I had not noticed him kissing me goodbye in the morning — I was starting to take him for granted after only a few months without going to the mikva !
5 When I was unable to finish the heaped plateful , the waitress expressed concern that I had not enjoyed one of their local specialties ; two , I felt , would have killed me .
6 Rather , I felt a strange exaltation that our brief married life together — consisting of but a few short leaves — had been of such ravishing sweetness , and that I had not spoiled it as I had spoiled things over two years before .
7 ‘ I early found that I had not the literary ability to give me such a place among English authors as I should have desired ; but I thought that I had an opportunity of gaining a knowledge of many of the distinguished men of the age , and that I might do some good by keeping a record of my interviews with them . ’
8 I decided that I had not come all this way only to indulge in polite conversation .
9 But it seemed to me that I had not properly answered his question and that he was really voicing the unthinking complaint of the people who lived in the little houses all over the world .
10 But it annoyed me that I had not got them worked out already .
11 For example , I have found in my own reading research that a specialist bibliography entitled Readers and Library Users , by Martin Ward , has been very helpful in making me aware of research studies that I had not come across before .
12 I had to say that I had not .
13 Karen never let me forget that everything we owned was originally hers and hers alone , and that I had not only contributed nothing to our joint capital but was n't bringing in any income either .
14 I explained that I had not entered at the right time because I had been a hostage in Iraq .
15 The fact that I had not done so put me too high for the first available field , but with insufficient height for the next one .
16 I did n't realise that I had not completely accepted Zoe .
17 What if the official welcomer had stuck to his preconceptions to the point of concluding that I had not arrived ?
18 ‘ Indeed , but for my brother 's tears , his reproaches that I had not drawn my sword , I would have dismissed the whole affair as a nightmare . ’
19 I was confused and still worried that there might be horses and that I had not changed my bloomers which were wet from where I had fallen in the icy fish .
20 There were , of course , the inevitable forms to fill in and letters of condolence to answer , but I realized that I had not for a moment , since before the previous Christmas , given a thought to the prospect of life for one .
21 It became apparent very soon that I had not been employed because of my skills as a salesman .
22 I had also discovered that I had not put in with the ‘ essential documents ’ a vital letter — the one which contained Kathy and Len 's address , so here I was arriving in Perth , knowing nobody and without an address to go to !
23 It seems remarkable now , when Glen Shiel is so busy , that I had not seen a car nor a human being since leaving Tomdoun eighteen miles earlier …
24 And in another light-year or two I was through the word-barrier , and the book had suddenly reached the stage — the wonderful moment to get to — where I could walk right into my imaginary country and see things that I had not consciously created , and listen to people talking and watch them moving , all apparently independent of me .
25 For example , some people are uncooperative — one specialist in community health refused to be interviewed because , I later discovered , she was angry that I had not gone to interview her first — whilst others are sometimes over-cooperative , extending one-hour interviews to three hours !
26 If I wanted to , I could change my name regardless of the fact that I had not committed any crime .
27 The stimulus for these changes has been a combination of my own experiences of doing mathematics and the discovery that my pupils could do mathematics in ways that I had not appreciated before .
28 As I walked round observing the work I spotted one arrangement that I had not drawn .
29 It was then that I experienced a side of Max that I had not known before : he was most caring and attentive , almost maternal , getting doctors and nurses , staying with me and looking after me in every way .
30 I replied rather coldly that I had not drunk alcohol since 1939 , and that it had been my hope that we should stop somewhere where I could wash up generally , relieve myself and have a little rest .
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