Example sentences of "that [pron] [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And Phoebe was so relaxed that it actually amused her to realise that everyone who saw them would assume they were a boring married couple , English middle-class tourists .
2 This picture , the third in Faye 's series , focused more fully on her face and the likeness of features and form was very good , but it showed her with such a yearning , wistful expression that everyone who saw it and knew her would think her life had been one long secret sorrow .
3 Just as Wunis Abdulhadi was able to opt out among friends , but knew that in a conflict he could not walk down the street without danger of attack from Zuwaya , so ‘ the obligation to fight ’ arose from people 's perception that their opponents would assume the worst possible case — — that everyone who had a theoretical obligation to fight would do so .
4 It is important for us all to remember that everyone who shared in the meeting did so out of good conscience and with a genuine desire to find God 's will for us .
5 We believe that everyone who contributes , should have the right to participate in Labour Party democracy ,
6 These are sentences such that everyone who understands them will agree on their truth value no matter what the circumstances .
7 Please note that everyone who does not have a British , EEC or Swiss passport must be in possession of a valid visa in order to be able to travel through France .
8 Shooting can be effective and sporting too , but I think it vital that everyone who shoots in these situations should be a very capable gun and able to kill a very large proportion of what he fires at .
9 Surely it 's true that everyone who changes his or her life because of crime — from those afraid to go out at night to those afraid to go into the parks they pay for — surely these people have been denied a basic civil right .
10 Some philosophers know a lot about bells and think that everyone who hears ringing noises in their ears must have bats in the belfry .
11 The first is to make sure that everyone who gets involved in the taking of someone else 's vehicle is made criminally liable for the consequences .
12 In 1837 the Committee of The Baltic Exchange , where the owners of cargo ships met shippers wanting cargo space , ensured that everyone who struck a bargain on the floor at St Mary Axe was in a financial position to honour it , that no one was admitted who was insolvent .
13 It is a well known fact that everyone who drinks Guinness is fond of music .
14 Though the clinical presentation of type I diabetes peaks around puberty and sometimes occurs much later , highly sensitive assays for islet cell antibodies have suggested that everyone who develops type I diabetes is seropositive by the age of 5 years .
15 ‘ We are anxious that everyone who wants to come has the chance .
16 IT 'S THE nightmare that everyone who lives near a big airport dreads .
17 This not only helps to channel your efforts into the most effective areas , but also ensures that everyone who comes into contact with the media knows what their organisation is trying to achieve .
18 He is an accomplice , in the sense that everyone who joins another in decoding a linguistic sign co-operates with them in the establishment of its meaning ; but we can see that the sign Iago offers him is just the opposite of what Othello wants to believe , or has believed till now .
19 Some people argue that everyone who claims to have seen or to have photographed this animal has been either drunk , deceived by a log or interested in promoting the Scottish tourist industry .
20 Explain why it is so important that everyone who benefits from Medau work should demonstrate their support through membership .
21 Typical examples are cases where one is given notice that everyone who enters a certain house , club , or park must abide by certain rules , obey a certain authority , or do so at his own risk .
22 ‘ I certainly do n't want to give the impression that everyone who changed their mind is an adulterer .
23 John wrote these words : ‘ God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son , so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life . ’
24 Instead of simply taking individual credit , change masters make sure that everyone who works on their effort gets rewarded .
25 That I who have held first place for eight years should be asked to take a secondary position . ’
26 The second thing to note is that to say that someone who says ‘ I hope ’ — for example , ‘ I hope you 'll come ’ — is simply expressing his mental state is to ignore the role of such utterances in human intercourse .
27 Even so , it did strike me as peculiar that someone who lived by French literature should be so calamitously inadequate at making the basic words of the language sound as they did when her subjects , her heroes ( her paymasters , too , you could say ) first pronounced them .
28 But there had never been any attempt to align other CSE grades to O level grades and it was no part of the assumptions of the dual system that someone who failed O level ( below grade E ) was of ‘ average ’ ability ( CSE grade 4 ) .
29 Anyone who find , Hobbes 's view intellectually attractive will easily hit upon his thesis that someone who feels pity is simply moved by the self-centred thought ‘ that the like calamity may befall himself ’ , and that people are benevolent only because this produces self-satisfaction .
30 So I do n't flatter myself that someone who gets my beliefs will automatically get true ones .
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