Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb mod] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This tradition that teaching is part of being a doctor rather assumes that everyone can and should teach .
2 It is also simple-minded to assert that everyone can or should be involved in the complexities of designing universities or opera houses .
3 The station cafe was still open so I decided that I might as well go in there .
4 ‘ It 's just that I might as well have stayed in the sitting-room , that 's all . ’
5 I gave him my breath until I was dizzy myself and I still would n't accept it was all useless , that I might as well stop .
6 If I am to change it I feel that I might as well put a larger engine in it , could you please advise me what would be the best petrol engine and would I have to convert it to 12 volt ; which I do n't really want to do .
7 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has left the restaurant , I decide that I might as well leave too .
8 Jamie and the girl were inches away from me , holding me by an arm each , being bumped into frequently , but my drunkenness had now got to such a state — as the last two quickly consumed pints and an accompanying whisky caught up with my racing bloodstream — that I might as well have been on another planet for all the hope I had of making them understand what I wanted .
9 Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that last Friday , on a delegation to Kiev , I took the opportunity — as I had always promised myself that I would if ever I were in Kiev — to visit Babi Yar , just outside the city limits , where in two years of Nazi terror and occupation tens of thousands of people were murdered ?
10 Wo , I mean one is a start but erm , in that I may as well still got a half a dozen off the school .
11 I want to stay here and live with Miss Honey and she says that I can but only if you give me permission !
12 No I was just worrying that I always thought that I would never ever like come across anyone who I thought that I can even vaguely click with but I just realized that I can and it 's just quite a nice feeling .
13 that I could and he , and he gets
14 So anyway I finally persuaded her that I 'd that I 'd like to emigrate to the United States and she we I had some contacts in the United States of course , through her .
15 She already knew that she would but inside she felt a great hurt begin to grow .
16 In this city where everything is possible , and he cuts such a figure in his light suit and striped silk tie , and is 32 and full of self-confidence , and can walk up to a girl he has never seen before and with a disarming smile ask her when lighting-up time is — how can he be wearing a maroon crew-necked sweater , and cavalry twill trousers with turnups , and be 22 , and find himself running after a girl and being told that she may or may not see him tomorrow ?
17 Enslaved by the mindless dullness of fixed routine , Shirley has taken literally the realisation that she may as well talk to the wall .
18 Catherine was so quiet that she might as well not have been in the room and it occurred to him that he must train her to make some unobtrusive signal to him when she thought he was missing something .
19 I thought she 'd argue that she might as well go somewhere she 'd always wanted to visit . ’
20 It took them an hour to convince her that it would be all right to go , that she would not be disloyal to Peter ; but , finally she agreed that she might as well indulge the boy .
21 The truth was that she would doze now and then — ten minutes here , twenty there ; but her dreams were so vivid and so close to her conscious fears that she might as well have been awake .
22 She forgot to call the apartment again , and decided by two in the morning that she might as well stay at the clinic for what was left of the night .
23 Chewing on her lip in thought , she finally set off towards the ten-gallon drums , reasoning that she might as well try to find out as much as possible while she was here , and run like hell when the time came .
24 Watching the other girl jog into the distance , Lindsey hesitated fractionally before deciding that she might as well go for a swim anyway .
25 But within five minutes of her putting a foot on the pavement outside the large building she 'd found that she might as well be in a hot and steamy sauna bath .
26 The American troupe were refreshingly different , innovative , but Virginia reflected afterwards that she might as well have been watching a film with no pictures , in a language she did n't understand , such was her lack of concentration on the details of that evening .
27 She could not see why her mother wanted her , nor what she expected her to do in Northam , and whenever she mentioned the subject to others they exclaimed in horror , commiserating with her , telling her that she must be firm , never for half a moment assuming that she could or would really do it .
28 By contrast , the rather trashy and bitchy biog. of Nancy Reagan is compelling because of one 's disbelief that she could and did actually get away with as much as she did .
29 ‘ Because he believed that Charles just is n't going to make it — and the sovereign 's relationship with her heir has always been difficult — Prince Philip urged her to assert that she had no intention of stepping down from the throne , that she must and will remain for the duration . ’
30 so , so do I , but er at the same we said this much to Mr that you would except that many of the people who the company deal , deal with are old and concerned with a limited income on fixed pensions , you know that do n't you ?
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