Example sentences of "that [adj] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 the people that have left are sort of in the recession and that now , there 's all the really big business people and that that have come down to the same level as everybody else .
2 Another point that some have raised in this connection is that animals can not — or do not — lie when using their communication systems .
3 Moreover , it is only recently that some have engaged in such strategic thinking at all .
4 This has been both resented and denied : resented , simply because courage is no longer a very fashionable part of virtue ; denied , in that some have said things are too easy for Frodo and his companions all through .
5 It is used to different degrees in different authorities , which indicates that some have found a way to avoid this particular form of compulsory removal .
6 So great and rapid is the devastation that some have feared that the entire reef might disappear — even though it contains 3000 separate coral islands , stretched 2000 km along the Queensland coast , and covering an area the size of Great Britain .
7 The reason that some have thought that psychoanalysis operates as a closed belief system is , no doubt , a result of the fact that Freud made the point that people usually reject psychoanalytic ideas at first , and the vehemence of their rejection may mask deep repression of material .
8 It 's just that some have lasted better than others .
9 Gershuny ( 1982 ) reported that these have saved time for working-class households and challenged the widespread contrary belief , instanced by Bowlby ( 1984 ) , that technology has not in fact cut domestic labour .
10 But VMI 's lawyers suggested at the court hearing that West Point has ‘ gone soft ’ , that its discipline records show a pattern of sexual tension in the 15 years since women were admitted — and that these have led to ‘ substantial , deep-seated problems . ’
11 Most ma–or roads now have cycle facilities and it seems likely that these have had a positive effect on the road safety of cyclists .
12 The fact that these have spiralled up from £10 million in 1978 to about £2 billion this year , simply confirms the cynics ' view that the government has little grasp of cause and effect .
13 Building contractors and employers soon became aware that the contracts into which they had entered no longer made provision for those situations which were beginning to arise : but new standard forms were slow to emerge , and it is only in recent years that these have proliferated .
14 Has not the time come at last — some of us have been saying this for a long time — for my right hon. Friend , or his successor , to consider seriously the alternative policy that many have advocated : administrative devolution , or short-term integration ?
15 The result is that many have to rely heavily on rote learning and memory , with limited understanding .
16 Most of its 380,000 population is economically dependent on the Black Sea Fleet , but it is clear that many have run out of patience with the arguments .
17 Faced with dwindling sales and stiffer competition , all luxury-goods firms need to turn to the boring disciplines that many have dismissed as suitable for widget-makers , but hardly appropriate for a trade where cachet brings in the cash .
18 He lets out a piercing giggle that many have called infectious , but honestly , I would n't want to catch it .
19 So heavy and cumbersome is the hardtop , which fails to turn the Stag into a refined fixed-head coupe because of atrocious wind whoosh , that many have succumbed to rust while lying neglected in the garden , incubating snails .
20 The apparent rise of voluntary childlessness suggests that many have reached this conclusion .
21 Although Trusts only came into operation in April ninety one , the evidence suggests that many , that many have improved patient services in many w many areas waiting lists have been cut through greater efficiency and increased use of day surgery .
22 ‘ In our dealings with North West companies we find that many have shown increases in productivity and earnings , even during the recession , proving that they have been able to compete effectively in the international arena , ’ she said , adding that there was nevertheless no room for complacency .
23 We are well aware that many have attempted to combine these two stories , for example Anthony Giddens in his work on the concept of structuration .
24 Further up the coast at Blackchurch , Frank Ramsey has taken another route that many have eyed .
25 In 1914 , just after the commencement of the First World War that many have suggested marked the beginning of the end of the old order in British society , Dicey wrote an extended introduction to the eighth edition of Law of the Constitution .
26 With their characteristic and pervasive atmosphere of sexuality and sensuality and their erotic tales presented or disguised within verbal play , it is hardly surprising that many have considered " pornography " to be an appropriate term to describe at least a good part of what is found in these fabliaux .
27 The very fact that some topics and methods are conventionally the preserve of artists has meant that many have shied away from them in their eagerness to establish their own practice as scientific .
28 It is the positive nurture of man 's relationship with God , the creative cultivation of charismata ; the gifts and graces that all have received ’ .
29 He declines to comment on the chances of the rest of the team , saying only that all have lacked the intensive training , with a sojourn in Japan , which they really needed .
30 Compare the unit prices of Hong Kong 's export goods with wholesale prices in America , he says , and you will find that both have risen since 1983 by about 3.5% a year .
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