Example sentences of "that [verb] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 However , the small proportion of research that involves has been , and will continue to be , essential for medical progress .
2 His solicitor , Mike Allan , told Sheriff Alexander Jessop that Say had been completely devastated when he arrived home to find a note from his wife , telling him their marriage was over .
3 Even by the standards of Harry 's yard , Heraldic was no looker , a great , gangling colt with a head and neck that seemed to have been added to his body as an afterthought .
4 The only thing that stuck out in a day that seemed to have been a hundred hours of confusion was that nun .
5 Struggling through the cotton wool that seemed to have been stuffed into her brain , Julia found that announcement of savagery almost impossible to believe .
6 It erm I suppose released a great deal of pressure that seemed to have been building up .
7 In these uses , one gets the impression that let has been dematerialized to the point of almost being a mere " actualizer " of the infinitive event ( cf.
8 Large numbers of animals — a particularly aristocratic breed of sheep , with black heads and legs , and long white coats that look to have been draped over them , like wigs , rather than grown naturally ; sleek , monochrome cattle ; and pottoks as well as full-grown horses , all seem to spend an agreeable and nutritious summer on these high pastures .
9 Only 1 library service out of the 9 school services that replied had been automated .
10 Comfrey is one of the herbs that seem to have been a remedy for all ills , and one that the mediaeval and Elizabethan physicians and herbalists would never be without .
11 The only benefits that seem to have been suggested is that their proposals are better than what 's there at the moment , er Grant Developments must be aware that there is a , an approval , a current planning approval for the development of that site , which is a development to retain the existing bungalow and develop the existing bungalow , and to build a house in the rear .
12 When this matter was discussed at housing committee , I believe it 's only last week but it seems a lot longer ago , I spoke at some length about the errors and fallacies in the report arguing against a case that officers have put forward , pointing out mistakes and erroneous conclusions that seem to have been drawn from some very flimsy evidence .
13 The events that followed have been chronicled by several of those that took part , My fate was similar : we were to listen out for a coded signal from Group at Lyon if we were to proceed to the target .
14 It was a real art that seems to have been lost today .
15 The acceptance of a bottom line , something that seems to have been singularly missing in the British negotiating stance , will provide its own discipline .
16 In particular , the movement of workers directly from one job to another has an effect on both the in flow into unemployment and the outflow from it , an effect that seems to have been neglected .
17 Thank you Chairman , erm I 'm delighted to be the last person to present a set of budget proposals as it gives me the opportunity to draw attention to some facts that seems to have been overlooked by the representatives of the other two groups .
18 The final stage goes up a smooth incline that appears to have been man-made , possibly to ease the passage of materials for the erections on the top .
19 Ignoring the fact that it does n't seem to have much harm to British Telecommunications Plc or to the UK , France 's Minister for Posts & Telecommunications , Emile Zuccarelli , says that privatising France Telecom would hurt the company , its users and the entire nation : he particularly worries about service in sparsely-populated areas , a problem that appears to have been satisfactorily solved by regulation in the UK market ; privatisation of France Telecom is anyway not on the agenda of Valery Giscard d'Estaing .
20 Both made a number of staff redundant with a style that appears to have been pretty abrupt , some allegedly being notified by fax or telephone calls .
21 County talks about putting a million pounds back in and it turns out that this million pound in fact is part of a two million pound cut that appears to have been made .
22 A trade that purports to have been executed in the exchange 's competitive trading system is in fact pre-arranged by bilateral negotiation .
23 The statue , nearly 24 metres high on a plinth itself 12 metres high , has the large ears and nose that appeared to have been such prominent features of the great man .
24 She could remember the bra , it had been rather a good black lace wired Kayser Bondor , of a line that appeared to have been discontinued , as she 'd never been able to find another .
25 Under a dark pullover without elbows he was wearing a Levi shirt that appeared to have been sucked colourless by some dog .
26 The daughter told her mother and , said Mr Stevenson , that appeared to have been the last straw for her .
27 There was little furniture , for most of that was stored in Switzerland , and the few pieces that remained had been damaged beyond repair .
28 They 'll tell you that Excel has been around for too long and its days are numbered .
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