Example sentences of "that [verb] [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 The tensions and conflicts that arose out of Italy 's struggle for unification were paralleled in the art of the nineteenth-century by the antagonism between Romanticism and Realism .
2 Well I think people think that a certain amount of time and attention has to be devoted to the Party 's constitution , and there are two things that arose out of the conference in Brighton .
3 The waltz that grinds out of carrousels .
4 The Raubvogel had just entered the short tunnel that led out of the cavern , when Katze finally found what he 'd been looking for .
5 Erm yeah er mm yeah no I 'm quite intrigued myself about this , this idea that erm somehow it 's heterosexuals who trus who are trustworthy and that , you know , once you have a sexuality that 's different from heterosexuality then you ca n't be trusted with children and you , you know you , you ca n't be trusted to er you know I do n't know , run boys ' clubs , you ca n't be trusted in , in a , you know , it 's sort of , it 's almost like , like erm er it , it almost flies in the face of evidence that the vast majority of sexual abuse that goes on of one sort or another is , is heterosexual , it 's
6 RCA had agreed to certain kinds of support that got out of hand .
7 In Carter 's case , this ungainly , elaborate , opulent press conference is their first giant step into the mad , bad world of record company hype — a joke that got out of control — and , after all the fanfare and foreplay , to have them finally sitting there in the middle of a hall in Belgium almost seems like a punchline that is n't very funny .
8 Er in November of last year we actually attended fifty five bonfires that got out of hand .
9 ‘ Bit of nookie that got out of hand ? ’
10 Meanwhile , a self-declared ring-leader , Paul Taylor , shouting from the roof tops , has claimed that it was all just a sit-in protest that got out of control .
11 Through the billowing smoke , shadows can be seen writhing about , one of which is wearing a devil mask that leers out of the fog and shakes its horns to the hellish racket .
12 It is personal or private knowledge that develops out of familiarity with a situation .
13 The way in which poverty causes illness is not merely through the lack of adequate material resources but also through the associated forms of employment and the culture that develops out of the material situation .
14 But instead of reading aeroplane comics and moping around you should be making sure your pride and joy is in a fit state to survive the winter — and ready for any of those all too infrequent sharp-edged days that appear out of nowhere and vanish just as quickly .
15 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
16 Structure , condition — and anything that looks out of place . ’
17 The one that dropped out of college ?
18 It 's not something , as it were , that dropped out of the sky , that God dropped down .
19 But we are still unhappy to have lost our holiday for something that seemed out of our control .
20 ‘ Two hundred slaves and we made no profit ? ’ the Doctor was saying in a jovial way that seemed out of place .
21 Tonight , though , that seemed out of the question , and as they hurried into the hospital through its large , brightly lit main foyer , they walked several yards apart .
22 Anger that seemed out of all proportion .
23 A pass from Venus sounds like the definitive long-ball game , and Villa 's central defenders , Paul McGrath and Mountfield , did well to defend a series of attacks that came out of the night sky .
24 For of all those peppered by the shotgun blast of criticism that came out of the Cleveland inquiry , where in little more than three months 121 children were diagnosed as actual or possible victims of child sexual abuse , only Dr Higgs still does not know her future and faces effective dismissal .
25 It was one of the schools that came out of the Reformation , for it was founded during the reign of Queen Mary by a landowner who sat for Derbyshire in Parliament .
26 The advice that came out of those cosy talks , however , was not necessarily heeded .
27 While Korda 's freedom from nationalist hangups may be refreshing , too many of the films that came out of his Denham Studios lacked either the narrative drive of The Four Feathers or the wit of The Ghost Goes West .
28 Scientists have studied how the cloud of electrons , protons and neutrons that came out of the big bang would have coalesced to make nuclei and atoms ; their studies correctly predict the proportion of various chemical elements in the universe .
29 The generation that came out of Egypt and took the part of God 's bride at the wedding at Sinai ( for that is what it was , as the prophet Hosea realized ) do indeed die in the desert , as God said they would .
30 Jazz is a form of music that came out of a social evolution in black history , and so is rap .
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