Example sentences of "that [verb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 A buffeting wind rushed over the land , bringing with it salt that clung insistently to Elisabeth 's face .
2 Dressed in a plaid shirt and faded jeans that clung lovingly to his muscular thighs , he was leaning against the door-jamb with his usual easy animal grace , and she was forced to swallow hard against a rush of desire that totally unnerved her .
3 Hearing the sound of his footsteps at the bottom of the stairs , she quickly pulled on the first things that came to hand — a pair of well-worn jeans that clung lovingly to her like a second skin , and a sweatshirt .
4 It was an incentive that applied particularly to developers and developer/producers , but not to those simply producing goods and services .
5 The system models represented an ideal that applied equally to the situation before and after the implementation of the ERA .
6 It was the start of a series of events that led finally to his fast exit from America , never to return , and many close to him believe to this day he was eventually ostracized by powerful Hollywood money for bringing the film industry into such disrepute .
7 This experience shaped the political ambition that led ultimately to his coup of 23 July 1952 .
8 Undaunted Mountbatten battled on , but he could do little to prevent the fait accompli that led eventually to Dien Bien Phu .
9 It was a masterpiece of international cinema which brought Korda all the financial backing he could need and a dream deal with United Artists that led eventually to a partnership in the American company .
10 But the great popularity of that sort of book in the 1920s and 1930s had another effect besides producing the series of direct variants that led eventually to the crime novel .
11 Sometimes , when they crossed a run that led upwards to a hole , he could hear the rain outside , still falling in the night .
12 Late in life , having transferred his affections to the alsatian , Queenie , he became a professional bore over the superiority of animals to human beings , an obsession that led almost to derangement on the occasions when Queenie was cut by broken glass .
13 Chairman er ca n't really use that refers directly to the Council .
14 Alison 's favours break down the boundaries of class ; any man who can lay her in his bed is like a lord , as Absolon says as he anticipates her kiss : Kolve 's interpretation of potentially religious images within the tale is fine as far as it goes , and can justly be quoted against the allegorizers , but there is at least one aspect of the tale that refers irreducibly to a moral frame within which the tale is set : recurrent swearing of oaths by " " Seint Thomas of Kent " " , which reminds us of the framing narrative with its realistic and morally symbolic journey towards Becket 's shrine in Canterbury and the judgement of the tale-telling game just as much as John 's calling upon St Frideswide locates the tale effectively within Oxford .
15 They include a 15 per cent increase in the maximum general levy for all cattle , sheep and pigs , a 40p per head rise in promotion levy for pigs and an amendment that refers specifically to lambs for live exports .
16 I know but the one that goes right to Church Hill , that one .
17 Only £7,500 of his investment was the franchise fee that goes straight to Athena .
18 This provides tax relief of 30 per cent on large donations , an added benefit that goes directly to charities .
19 One thing he always wanted to do was to improve the lot of all sports players , and the Tetley deal , which includes a large element that goes directly to members of the England team , was the last one the company was involved with before he died .
20 On the way this time it rained , but despite his dragging cloak and the glum faces of the small train he took with him , Nicholas made the journey in a condition of numbness that amounted almost to happiness .
21 In the past the industry has frequently appeared bogged down by the use of a range of technical terms that mean little to potential customers .
22 In the past the industry has frequently appeared bogged down by the use of a range of technical terms that mean little to potential customers
23 She went to the full-length mirror beside her dressing-table , pulling off the headband she had worn in the bath and releasing the glossy brown hair that tumbled almost to her shoulders .
24 To think there is such an entity is to confuse two kinds of process , processes that correspond roughly to the input and the central systems .
25 At the same time , different types and levels of training ( formal and informal , traditional and untraditional ) should be made available that correspond roughly to the jobs that need to be done .
26 On feet that tried desperately to be silent , Belinda crept away , not stopping or turning round until she reached the looming mass of the house .
27 After a time he began to whisper in a voice that tried now to be soft and gentle , in complete contrast to his alarm calls : ‘ Come on , Minch , you ca n't really be so ill that you ca n't show me your face just for a moment , or let me hear the ruffle of one of your wings .
28 As she stood waiting , she felt again that wave of dizziness that bordered close to nausea , and she put a hand against the rough wall of the boat house to steady herself .
29 This is a puzzle that has yet to be answered .
30 Beautifully constructed courses which immensely satisfy both student and teacher alike with their intelligence and vigour , they have set a standard for classroom work that has yet to be matched . ’
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