Example sentences of "that [noun] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It turns out that Heisenberg is universally limiting and requires that the uncertainties of any such pair of quantities should satisfy unc in obvious generalisation of [ 2 ] .
2 He loves Strach as a player and always mentions the fact that Strach is still the best right sided midfielder in the league .
3 The writer who feels that suspense is best suited to his or her talents would do well before setting out , however , to get it clear in his or her own head that suspense is what is to be produced and that the book contemplated will adopt this form , or formula , in preference to any other .
4 The thought that prayer is ultimately about delighting in God helps us to stop seeing it as a ‘ technique ’ in which we are advancing .
5 An in-service activity can be conceived as something one person does to another , with the assumption that change is most effectively produced from outside ; or as a process in which teachers are centrally involved in analysing their own situation and needs and working out the best ways of tackling these .
6 Hanson 's investment is a clue that change is again overdue .
7 Teachers themselves , meanwhile , increasingly seem to realise that change is here to stay .
8 Some , through their contact with the various women 's organizations , are aware of these problems and believe that change is already taking place in many very positive ways .
9 Old Age thinking — along with most forms of psychotherapy — suggests that change is inevitably slow and painful , or even impossible .
10 Others believe that change is more likely to come from pressure being exerted on decision-makers by those with a vested interest in the likely outcomes of the introduction of new technology .
11 These more direct techniques have been developed to give the counsellor a more active role within the family , based on the idea that change is more effectively brought about through action rather than the development of self-awareness .
12 The outcome of this remodelling is that ICI is now the world 's biggest producer of paints , explosives and acrylics ; it is number two in terephthalic acid and titanium dioxide .
13 If there is any true successor to Frances Hodgson Burnett in her shaping of Ruritanian adventure-romance for young readers that successor is surely Violet Needham , whose linked tales of an unlocated ‘ Empire ’ , the neighbouring kingdoms of Flavonia and Monte Lucio and the duchies of Ornovitza and Trollac , were published between 1939 and 1956 .
14 It certainly is a good sign that LCCIEB is still well received in this region .
15 I reckon that wilko is probably waiting for Tinkler to get back for him to play the Batty/Fairclough role .
16 The result is that CAD is now used by architects , pharmacists , shoemakers , the rag trade , lighting manufacturers , surgeons , the chemical industry , graphic designers , video and television companies as well as those industries where it all started .
17 It demonstrates how Conservative administrations in the 1980s have been determined to reduce public expenditure and to ensure that support is ultimately dependent on central-government approval — a constant theme in inner-urban policy , which later chapters explore .
18 In relation to all the major types of support I have considered — the sharing of households , the giving or lending of money , the provision of practical support — the principle that support is most likely to be given if the advantage is mutual , or if there is a clear expectation that assistance will be given in return , is a prominent feature .
19 Then , and only then , will it be safe to assert that Parliament is no longer sovereign ; and until then United Kingdom courts will be right to follow the well-marked paths , even if this does result in conflict between the constitutional laws of the United Kingdom and Europe .
20 I believe that Taylor is still leaving the door open for Gazza to play some part against Norway in the opening World Cup tie at Wembley on October 14 — providing he comes through the ordeal of an Italian League baptism .
21 In my own department , I should say that , although some members still believe that literature is best studied in isolation , looking simply at ‘ the words on the page ’ , most of us now like to contextualise it in some way , often historically , and are inclined to ask students to read some texts which are not ‘ literature ’ in the conventional sense .
22 When the logic of the linguistic homology is taken a step further , the special status of language that literature is uniquely capable of revealing becomes apparent .
23 Why do some people think that faith is necessarily troubled by doubt but that knowledge is not ?
24 Yet it is clear from other Old Testament passages that intimacy is also a quality between God and his people .
25 If Americans believe that progress is underway in creating jobs and reducing the deficit they will be satisfied with incremental health care reform .
26 As a general message , one can say that ideology is no longer the main cause of the divisions in the world or of potential conflict .
27 My argument is that ideology is also a moral system , and that moral values must be directly related to ideas of human nature : what it is to be a person .
28 It sees no problem with adding the Alpha architecture to the MIPS Computer Systems Inc and Intel Corp-based systems it currently offers , a trail that DEC is already blazing in any case , but it has to figure out whether and how it will be able to address the window of opportunity it reckons the industry is now creating with the latest round of hardware and software announcements , and of course , how deep it would have to dig into its back pocket .
29 Digital Equipment Corp also has a copy of the paper , and some of the Common Open Software Environment people think that DEC is now only a photo opportunity away from announcing that it is becoming a member too .
30 A recent study in the Gambia has shown that Giardia is highly prevalent in children with persistent diarrhoea and malnutrition .
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