Example sentences of "that [noun] [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless I could not believe that Parliament intended such a construction because it will produce what I regard as such unfair and absurd results .
2 This insisted that shareholders sanctioned such donations before they were made instead of only being able to discuss them afterwards .
3 The USA had also resisted including the " most favoured nation " principle for services on a global basis , which would require that countries treated all trading partners alike ; the USA wanted to be free to discriminate in favour of countries which opened their markets to US services [ see also pp. 37228-29 ] .
4 That 's it , that 's what I had they told and they said that it might be that she 's just , she 's just is small for her size , but it might be that Katie taken all the goodness from Hannah
5 However , it was in this reversal of the classical conclusion on the potentialities of the criminal justice system that interactionism encountered some of its more serious problems .
6 The conference lamented the fact that manufacturers did not produce small packs of goods for single-person households , and that retailers paid little or no attention to the needs of consumers who were handicapped by age or poverty .
7 It should not be thought that Unionists enjoyed such a situation , for they certainly did not , but nor can it be suggested that they saw any real alternative , for in truth the basis of agreement on which parliamentary government " rested had all but broken down .
8 We have reported that half the deaths in the Glasgow neurosurgical unit followed a written note in the medical record to limit treatment , and audit of perioperative deaths in all Glasgow hospitals showed that 41% followed such a decision .
9 Furthermore , in the period after 1944 when selection for secondary schools through the 11 + examination predominated , girls ' 11 + performances were weighted differently to boys ' performances so that girls achieved fewer places than their examination results indicated , and boys achieved more places than their results merited .
10 But it was evident that men required this , daily , nightly ; and at least it was better than Mr Poole .
11 Er the things that she said were that women used more hedges , such as I think er hedges are sort of things that get put into the conversation if al allegedly if somebody wants to give the impression that they 're not quite sure , and they would n't w You know like I would n't want to say it for sure but I think that .
12 It was not only that enclosures forced some small-holders into the ranks of the landless and into wage-dependency for the first time ; it was also the case that many who had been able partly to support themselves from small-holdings supplemented by access to common grazing for a beast or two lost that element of independence .
13 Fortunately one of the good points about losing the seven stroke nine business is that Pauline transferred some of the stock of that seven stroke nine bearing on to the other end .
14 ‘ It was general knowledge that Swithlands operated such a policy and it was plain men were never going to be offered positions on the sales force , ’ he said .
15 It introduced him to the bizarre situation that Churches treated each other worse than they treated anyone else ; and to the recognition that the reason for this was not religious but racial .
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