Example sentences of "that [indef pn] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In March the Prime Minister Winston Churchill , replying to a letter from the TUC Education Committee , gave an assurance that nothing had yet been settled and reserved some memorable prose for a concluding tribute to the value of liberal studies in adult education :
2 In the treaties with the States-General of 1654 and 1667 the English government succeeded in having its claims accepted by its rival ; and so sensible a man as Sir William Temple felt that nothing had ever given him greater pleasure than forcing the Dutch to give way once more on this point in the peace negotiations of 1674 .
3 I know that nothing has ever been proved against the man , but you 've heard the rumours about how he tries to pressurise people . ’
4 However , to illustrate my belief that nothing has really changed , while I was taking a few notes from a caddie in Montpellier in the south of France — he was telling me how ‘ we 'd hit a great pitch in at the last ’ — I happened to notice the sign above the caddie shack .
5 No one had any comment to make for the excellent reason that everyone had already been convinced of the fact .
6 At Les Puces there was everything that everyone had ever thrown out : genuine , valuable antiques , odd shoes , false teeth , stuffed cats … more items than I knew existed .
7 Sean ( Hallam ) Blowers chips in : ‘ The brilliant thing about Backdraft was that no-one had actually done a film about firemen before . ’
8 The general opinion was yes , but certain it was that no-one had ever seen her .
9 That produced a form of waste that was hot , highly toxic , radioactive ; that will remain dangerous for hundreds of years and that no-one has yet thought of a way of disposing of ?
10 All the evidence suggests that no-one has properly quantified the cost of educating end users in all the user-hostile features of a dumb 3270 attached to a mainframe application , let alone any of the other hidden costs of the mainframe .
11 So you have to beware of blind alleys like that ; from personal experience , there are loads of these styles that no-one has ever asked me to play . ’
12 Studies of many thousands of people have shown that no-one has ever been infected through kissing .
13 Unfortunately you find that no-one has ever bothered to produce the graphics before because they take too long to print out on the current office printer !
14 Now no-one 's ever seen a quark for the simple reason that no-one has ever managed to produced a free quark .
15 A roar of falling water as a door opened and closed indicated that someone had just emerged from the lavatory .
16 She read it idiotically at least three times , until she 'd convinced herself there was no hidden psychological message in the bare statement of fact , and then realised that someone had just come in the front door of the flat and was moving around in the hall .
17 The Grosvenor Estate 's management blamed vandalism for the spill from the outset , saying that someone had deliberately opened a valve in the 1,000-gallon tank at Aldford Hall Farm and allowed the diesel to leak into the river .
18 A quick check showed that someone had undoubtedly searched through her belongings .
19 As I walked towards the hut , I saw that someone had certainly been using it .
20 But peering more closely he could see that someone had recently been writing with a fountain pen .
21 He could see in a three hundred and sixty degree sphere via the pod sensor modules , just as he could feel the ambient temperature , and even smell the lubricant that someone had carelessly leaked on to the floor .
22 The idea that someone has already taken a very close look before choosing the victim shakes them considerably .
23 Wedgewood sets out to find it and both parties discover that someone has already arrived on the Moon before them …
24 A dialect , too , where syntax and grammar work differently to ‘ standard ’ English , the sort taught in our educational institutions , shows that someone has consciously or unconsciously chosen not to abandon the speech patterns of their region for the blander cadences of BBC English .
25 There is a difference , although an uncertain one , between some statements of the form If P then Q and others of the form If P , Q. ( W. A. Davis , 1983a ) Suppose that someone has unkindly disconnected the wiring between the switch and the wipers .
26 ‘ What I suspect is that someone has deliberately caused delays in delivery of leather and has been undercutting your father 's prices . ’
27 A poet may heartily dislike having to talk about his verse but the knowledge that someone has actually read it is never unwelcome .
28 ‘ The only thing that can be said is that somebody has just snuffed out a very special person who was going to achieve an incredible amount in life .
29 I was so grateful that somebody has finally told me the reason why I was miscarrying . ’
30 The first is that nobody had really analysed and spelt out the interrelated series of planning and policy decisions which changing a school curriculum entails ; the essential links between the processes of curriculum planning and implementation ; the costs of change .
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