Example sentences of "that [indef pn] [verb] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 Beating the bounds , when the parishioners walked round the parish boundaries to ensure that everyone knew where they were in case of dispute , was associated with the Rogationtide crop blessing .
2 As the effect is due to lack of information rather than any hard evidence of the situation , it can be removed by ensuring that everyone knows where the resources have been allocated and why .
3 There are some good points — like explaining that everyone knows how to keep their balance and that normal balance should be used when skiing .
4 Aaron Wildavsky argued that while PPBS had many shortcomings , the fundamental reason for its demise was that no-one knew how to do programme budgeting .
5 On the way in from the airport , Hurley had warned him that the back bedroom was full of electronic gear that nobody knew how to use .
6 The trouble is that nobody knows where the road leads .
7 Essentially the message is that nobody knows how far community care can be made to stretch without snapping under the strain .
8 It was not until one had made oneself ridiculous by days of suspicion and over-cautiousness in the camp that one realized how hopelessly less dramatic was the truth .
9 It is only when one has haunted the markets of France and the food shops in the country towns and villages , watched the housewives doing their shopping , listened to them discussing their purchases at the pâtisseries and the charcuteries that one realizes how much less they are tied to their kitchens than we had always been led to suppose .
10 The hair is like Apollo 's , and it is particularly in the incisive detail of the head that one sees how much one loses in the marble .
11 FRACTAL geometry is one of those concepts which at first sight invites disbelief but on second thought becomes so natural that one wonders why it has only recently been developed .
12 We saw earlier that there is disagreement about the helpfulness or universality of the " objectives " model , and certainly many teaching situations involve so many objectives that one wonders where to stop enunciating them .
13 The petite marmite , the pot au feu , the croûte au pot were made with rich beef , veal and chicken stock ; the fillets of sole were invariably cooked with truffles and cream or with mushrooms and lobster sauce , with artichoke hearts or with white wine and grapes ; noisettes d'agneau , from the finest baby lamb , made such frequent appearances on the menu that one wonders how any sheep has survived ; the chicken was stuffed with a mousse de foie gras ; the little birds which followed — quail , ortolan or snipe — were again presented with truffles ; asparagus , in and out of season , were always accompanied by hollandaise sauce ; and the bombe glacée , indispensable , it seems , to a good dinner , was the signal for all the display of which the confectionery chef was capable .
14 The ceilings were so low that one wonders how anyone could get at the carding machines to clean them .
15 It was so steep ( about 1 in 3 or even 1 in 2 in parts ) that one wonders how on earth they used to drive their horses five abreast along this particular section .
16 Following reason in this way shows that one knows how to go on ( to use again Wittgenstein 's phrase ) within the discipline .
17 So after completing my National Service , I did all the things that everybody does when they 're trying to break into show business , urged on by my father 's insistence that I found employment of some sort — ‘ Get a job , any job , just get one !
18 It 's my experience that everybody thinks how old everybody else is . "
19 ‘ But you know that everybody notices how beautiful you are , do n't you ? ’
20 It is assumed that anyone knows how to run a workshop , publicize a meeting , organize a local campaign , set up a committee — or whatever .
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