Example sentences of "that [n mass] were [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nearly a million people ( a tenth of Greece 's population ) demonstrated in Salonika ; an opinion poll said that 72% were against any compromise on the name , and 20% were ready to fight about it ; and up to a quarter of New Democracy 's members of parliament threatened rebellion .
2 Rolling bream and line bites told me that fish were in the swim .
3 In other armies , the selection process assumed that people were of the same social balance .
4 The naïve , almost religious basis of belief in Hitler is clearly visible in such reports , which show too , however , that people were above all listening in Hitler 's speeches for hints of an early end to the war , and that his popular standing depended heavily upon the fulfilment of such hopes .
5 Unfortunately over the years there was such a deficit for whatever reason lot 's of things were tried it was then decided that it was two options one was closing lose so much money or actually put it out to franchise fortunately enough that people were at all the money and we did n't get an income from it .
6 Yesterday a minister from an urban priority area er while er welcoming the thought of a an urban priority area fund or urban and rural priority area fund , said that people were at least as important as money in many situations .
7 There were no sounds from the lower flats , no television or music to assure her that people were at hand .
8 ‘ But I think that people were in contact all over the world , and that that there are hints of contact with Easter Island and with the Indus Valley , ’ Mr Savoy continued , warming to his controversial theme in a way which unsettles his academic admirers .
9 A number of criticisms were exacerbated by feelings that people were in the wrong type of institution .
10 And what I , from what I gather the bigger the household that people were in the more they enjoyed it cos the jobs were shared out more .
11 There is no reason but to think ( if one is a religious person ) that people were in tune with God in other ages , as indeed one believes oneself also to be .
12 That people were in the flats were operating in a in a hostile environment , you said , low income and bad housing .
13 And in a follow up poll , the forum , which claims to represent more than 20,000 firms , found that 90pc were in favour of tougher powers for the police and courts .
14 ‘ What is most interesting is that an analysis of the first 3,500 enquiries showed that 60% were from industrial and commercial companies .
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