Example sentences of "that [is] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Their important quality is that they present a rate of change that is clearly and definitely structured .
2 Most deaths are caused not by catastrophic accidents but by fouling from oil that is illegally but routinely discharged from ships .
3 Public service broadcasting ought to provide a ‘ daily service that is continuously and throughout infused with a sense of its public function ’ .
4 Where Pamela eagerly restores the chapel in the house in Lincolnshire , the one at Sotherton in Mansfield Park signifies an age that is past and irrecoverable .
5 They 're being sold in lots of four … one includes this mask worn at a ball at the Royal Academy … following the mysterious death of Robert Maxwell and the scandal that followed , his widow says it is an epoch that is past and no longer part of my life .
6 They 're being sold in lots of four … one includes this mask worn at a ball at the Royal Academy … following the mysterious death of Robert Maxwell and the scandal that followed , his widow says it is an epoch that is past and no longer part of my life .
7 In certain transactions one might be requested to accept a root of title that is less than 15 years old or a document other than a mortgage , or a conveyance on sale as the root deed .
8 She raises expectations by wondering whether drugs might actually embody ‘ the structure that is philosophically and metaphysically at the basis of our culture ’ .
9 What constitutes a procession that is commonly or customarily held ?
10 When I loaded in the game I hit fire , and once I got to the end of the screen I went to enter a hole that is there but I could n't .
11 But of the winners only 2 per cent are shown to be better off by £2 a week , whereas 39 per cent of losers will be asked to pay a local poll tax that is more than £2 above their then current rate contribution ( Poll Tax Facts , no. 9 , Local Government Information Unit , 1988 ) .
12 And for the biologists again if er if you look at the capillaries in the body , there is no cell in the body requiring a blood supply that is more than one fortieth of a millimetre away from a capillary .
13 Labour 's ‘ radical ’ plans are to be welcomed for the vision they bring of the kind of urban public transport that is more or less taken for granted in western Europe .
14 Here , we need to distinguish the sort of information management that is more or less synonymous with the overall management of a firm 's information technology ( IT ) -based resources from that which has a wider remit .
15 There is a notion abroad that if there is a response that is more or less uniformly nice it will suddenly transform the image of the industry for the better .
16 Listen to almost any modern performance of troubadour or trouvère song … and you will find yourself in a sound-world of instrumental accompaniment that is more or less make-believe .
17 we go for the one that is seldom if ever guilty of rape .
18 The social services department should be able to fit even ordinary radiators with some sort of guard , so that if you should fall against them and be unable to move , you are not pinned against something that is uncomfortably or dangerously hot .
19 BrdUrd is a thymidine analogue that is readily and specifically incorporated into DNA during the S phase of the cell cycle .
20 Members of parliament are not , therefore , individually responsible to the electorate since they are members of a party team that is collectively and directly responsible to the electorate as a whole .
21 If you have a tank that always seems to be disease prone , or the fish die , often for no apparent reason , I would suggest that any decoration that is in or going in your tank be checked and double checked no matter how long it takes and how safe it is said to be .
22 People do n't mind being referred if it 's something that is genuinely but say they phone Leeds and Leeds do n't know and Leeds refer them to a number they think it is and then they refer to a third number then somebody gets .
23 First , if the foregoing appears to ignore questions of democracy within the enterprise that is only because of the order of exposition .
24 In our copy of Roget it is listed as follows You can be quite sure that if you examine all these numbered sections you will find every word in the English language that is remotely or closely equivalent to " jargon " .
25 To the mind that is morally and intellectually healthy this positive value of doubt can work to its advantage .
26 What is noteworthy is that this legislation is not part of the set of legislation that is explicitly and exclusively concerned with censorship .
27 You 've all the enthusiasm needed to campaign for a cause or idea that 's near and dear to your heart .
28 We hold these three times a week to discuss care issues — anything that 's around or any individual client who 's causing us concern or pleasure .
29 It seems to me that the problem is coming from the front off side spring settling 15mm more than the rear-Being someone who hates anything that 's not as it should be , it is driving me crackers .
30 Mean I 'm putting I 'm er if I was in their shoes that 's exactly and I think I 'm not far from wrong .
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